Bank Holiday Weekend
By mrsmelon
Husbands Melon is coming along nicely.
I spent hours in the garden yesterday just planting a few things, repotting & watering, and taking photos..
My back feels a little sore this morning, however I am so glad that I did it all yesterday as the rain has arrived, like most bank holiday monday’s :-(
I planted out my Sweetcorn and Courgettes as they where getting far too big in the root trainers and pots in the greenhouse.
I have 3 Goji Berry plants, a present from my mother in law. I have positioned those against the fence.
Pricked out the Celery and put them into individual pots.
My friend came back from her cruise and was amazed at the Begonias, they had all sprouted with 4 leaves – in 1 week. I gave her 3 tomato plants and a lettuce to take home, think i might have got her hooked on growing your own, she said that they had planted some peppers & a cucumber.
Flowers….Marigolds, Lobelia and Daisies, all grown from seed. I planted these in a raised border on the drive. We are just waiting for the builder to come and concrete the drive, so hopefully it will look nice come the summer now i have planted some flowers.
Taken 16 April
Taken 3rd May
4 May, 2009
Previous post: Fantastic weekend and welcomed rain today.
Next post: Sisters
Looked at all your pics and they are very impressive. You and Mr. Melon will be eating well this summer. I have just finished putting out all of my summer vegies, with the eggplants being last. My spring stuff is still going strong. Isn't growing your own great?!
4 May, 2009
Thanks for your lovely comments..yes we hope to be eating well this summer..also think my friends and family will be having a bit too..:-)
It is great growing your own this is my 1st year and i am so excited...
4 May, 2009
OMG Your first year? You are good. I am on my 3rd year now of growing vegies, I am partially handicapped so all mine is done in planter boxes and pots. I really love it!
4 May, 2009
It all looks very healthy,well done
4 May, 2009
yup looking good , I cant put mine out till June in case the frost catches em
4 May, 2009
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looking good. i love growing veggies
4 May, 2009