Winter prep for spring!
By n2organics
Yes, it’s bed-prep time and the bed in question is this one that I did a “sweet corn experiment” in last year:
The corn and onions were fabulous tasting and all that I did to the area was a little dry molasses to fire up the biological activity, some compost tea mix, and native shredded tree trimmings for mulch, which since decayed down into a wonderful layer of compost after a year.
This weekend, I will be adding some of this:
What we have here is a huge bag of earthworm castings, a bag of “green-sand” that turns alkaline soil a tad more acidic and releases more available iron to the plants root systems. The 1 gal jug in the middle of the photo is a concentrated mix of compost tea, liquefied sea-weed, molasses, and apple-cider vinegar that is great for use on any plants.
More amendments will be added after this first mix “cooks” over the winter, such as “lava-sand”, zeolite, expanded shale, and decomposed granite..
Any suggestions on “test plants” to try in this area?
Half of it will be devoted to bell and banana peppers so that leaves about 50 sq. feet to “play with” and grow record breaking size plants of any verity. {grin}
17 Dec, 2010
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Yes, Seaburngirl, healthy biologically active soil will not only grow great plants, but will also solve a lot of "plant disease problems" and also solve many pest related problems because a plant that is in a "stress condition" is a magnet for mother nature's predators, be it fungus infestations or insect assaults. Mother nature always looks for the "weak". Animals or plants that show signs of "weakness" or "stress" will be assaulted by natural predators. It sounds rather ruthless but that process always produces stronger plants and animals over time..
This "third rock from the Sun" is rather amazing to study!
18 Dec, 2010
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well you're right. prep of the soil is the most important thing to get right.
17 Dec, 2010