The corn field finally got harvested!
By n2organics
Yes, the corn field behind our house finally got harvested today and the view of the trees that line the creek on the other side of it are back! The field is about 125 acres and is now much shorter until the farmer tills the residual corn under to make new compost for next year.
Now my backyard looks a little more open:
That line of trees in the distance marks a creek that our local Bobcat hunts.
Here is the big cat in the backyard before the corn was cut down.. What an awesome creature!
Gotta love the critters around here! Never a dull moment!
OH! Get a load of this! My little organically grown “foxtail fern” decided to grow yet another leaf cluster and this one is NOT drooping like the last one did!
It looks like the “Foxtail Fern” is finally getting adjusted to its’ organic potting soil and is starting to do really good. when I purchased it from the local nursery,it looked like it had been planted in a generic potting soil such as “Scotts” that contained “peat moss”.. (Peat moss does not support biological activity in the soil but is good for preserving seeds and bulbs)
The little plant is thriving in the new mix of “Erath Earth” organic potting soil, lavasand, greensand, zeolite, and locally mixed compost..
Next Sunday’s “plant project” might have to be “up-potting” the Foxtail to a 12 incher pot because it is growing SO fast!
Gotta love it!
29 Jul, 2009
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Wow what a view - and what a fantastic bobcat
29 Jul, 2009
green with envy!
wonderful view and wildlife.
nice blog.
29 Jul, 2009
interesting to see the corn harvester. The bobcat picture is excellent.
29 Jul, 2009
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Lovely blog.
Your bobcat certainly has a decent size territory !!!!!
29 Jul, 2009