Misty fends off bugs in the house! {chuckle}
By n2organics
Yes, our brave predator was looking out for the house tonight!
She spotted a cricket that managed to get inside and promptly attacked it and played with it! It was SO funny to watch her!
How funny! :-)
26 Oct, 2009
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I agree with Hywel. I have been reading your pages and it appears you are very much into things as Mother Nature intended them to be .... that being the case, how can you possibly even think about doing this to your cat ? It was Mother Nature that gave her the claws because she needs them.
26 Oct, 2009
N2O - have a read of this...there IS a solution to de-clawing which might help you and Misty.....
26 Oct, 2009
I do hope he reads AND TAKES NOTE of it.
Thank you Brenda.
26 Oct, 2009
Thanks Brenda - n2o I so hope you have read all this before taking your kitten to the vets and that you don't have her declawed. Spaying is bad enough, if you also have her declawed at the same time she is going to be one very unhappy cat who is in a lot of pain... And have no doubt about she will blame you in her own little mind and heart. Can you really expect her to walk on feet that have been mutilated? You even had a hard floor which is going to make walking even more painful. Have a long hard think, which is more important to you your furniture or the kitten. Unless you can wholeheartedly say the kitten then you do need to consider whether you are the right person to keep a cat - much as you love her.
26 Oct, 2009
You have deleted the other blog
I hope you read all the comments before you did !
26 Oct, 2009
Hywel Myself & maybe others Flagged the Declaw/Spayed Blog Due 2 it Being Un- Suitable 4 GOY Reading!!!
26 Oct, 2009
Good . I think it was. I said lots of nasty things because I was made to feel very angry by it.
I still feel very angry about it.
26 Oct, 2009
:( Me 2 but we know somethings cant be helped & not every where is as Kind as UK about Animals /Pets :( I know iv seen so much of it On My Hoils Hywel :( it breaks my heart :( x
26 Oct, 2009
Jacque is there any was to know if n2o saw the blog?
26 Oct, 2009
??? No Dont Think So MG????
26 Oct, 2009
Did you also flag Bscotts blog asking our American GoYers to consider not having their cats declawed? That to has vanished
26 Oct, 2009
No i didnt Flag BScotts Blog MG ???
26 Oct, 2009
BScott deleted it MG, the blog was meant just for our American friends to Comment on the Declawing Issue but it didn't go to plan so Rightly IMO Bscott Deleted it.. Hope this explanation helps you :) Dee..
26 Oct, 2009
Hi Dee yes she pm'd me to explain why. Pity as she had specifically asked for the UK GoYers not to post to it just sign with their avatars
26 Oct, 2009
Im sure if any GOY member wants 2 help with The Petition On De-clawing In USA they can find sites that can/will be of more help ,
26 Oct, 2009
Don't like the sound of any of this?!...Do they really take cats' claws out? That's barbaric! Why???
Sorry...missed the blog before it was taken off...well actually no...glad I didn't read it now.
26 Oct, 2009
I think we need to give n2o time to recover and post. If he actually saw our responses to his blog he must be deeply shocked! I do not believe that n2o is nasty or cruel just didn't realise what a painful and mutilating process declawing is.
26 Oct, 2009
My hubby has just told me that cats in Canada often had their claws taken out as they lived in high buildings & never went out. The owners didn't want the furniture ruined by bored felines.
I don't think N2 would willingly cause his cats any pain.
26 Oct, 2009
Like it or not Fluff this will cause little Misty serious amounts of pain... Imagine having the top joint of just one of your toes removed and then multiply this by 8, or 10 if they remove the dew claws.
I am sure n2o isn't a bad or nasty person BUT I also do not think he has considered the horror of the level of surgery he is going to inflict on this kitten.
Too often we use the excuse... well everyone else does it so it must be okay. Each of us needs to look at and consider the effects of any action that we take which impinges on another sentient being, not just humans.
26 Oct, 2009
That's what I meant...he must surely not realise the full horror of the procedure. Anyway...poor chap we must stop talking about him & let him answer! :o)
26 Oct, 2009
I can not believe that you think it is ok to insult someone and then laugh about it in there presence. If you think N2 is uncaring perhaps you should take a long hard look in the mirror. N2 is devoted to Misty and would not harm her unnecessarily. Those that have insulted N2 have the perfect opportunity now to apologize for the rude and shameful things they have said.
You have taken a short blog and decided amongst yourselves that you know the full story and N2 is a monster! If you sat back and thought about it, it is pretty damn well clear that he would NOT be doing this without first giving it a lot of thought and secondly if he was doing it out of any kind of malace then I'm sure he would not have blogged about it first.
I flagged that blog, or rather I flagged a comment on that blog and it is my understanding that N2 deleted his own blog because of the awful, rude things that were being said about him.
I have blacked out my avatar as I am to ashamed to show my face whilst being connected to this terrible witch hunt.
Even after finding out that this is a common practice in USA you have continued to hound and belittle this man unnessesserily.
I have little else to say on this subject and have only read these comments as they were brought to my attention by private Email.
I will be giving GoY a miss for a while as I don't like the direction it is being forced to take.
27 Oct, 2009
Simmer down... Our vet is quite different from most and is always very concerned about animals and the pains that they have to deal with. He was WONDERFUL after "Midnight" developed feline diabetes, and taught us how to give the insulin shots properly, so Midnight would never feel it. The insulin shots gave my little cat an extra year of life that was wonderful! She got better, gained some weight and her personality blossomed because she felt so much better! Midnight had been de-clawed (front paws only) and was the best indoor cat in the world!
Believe me, Dr. Malone is the most compassionate vet on the planet and always has the animal's best interest as his top priority.
An interesting tip! Indoor cats generally have a 30% longer life-span than outdoor cats.
27 Oct, 2009
Hello..we do not automatically declaw our cats in the US of A.
I have raised cats all of my life inside and outside..and none have been declawed and I do not know anyone who has declawed a single cat. Those who do..do it for their own reasons..but it is not a common practice..I repeat NOT..a common practice. Where this idea comes from is beyond me. I am appalled that this is what you think. The only reason I have ever kept my cats indoors were to keep them from getting pregnant before I could get them spade or to protect them from coyotes..I have an over 20 year old cat who has lived indoors and out..and is totally indoor now for her own protection and she has all 20 of her claws...
So please..stop this..it is ridiculous..and if for some reason this is necessary for N2 to do..then he must have his reasons and as a caring person I am sure he will see that his cat is not in pain. One other thing you might be interested to know..have you ever had cat scratch fever? This could be one reason some people might consider declawing. My daughter got it and nearly lost the sight in one eye..it caused her intense pain and she is lucky to not be blind..and mind you she was not scratched in the eye..it was a normal on the hand sort of scratch...she has loads of cats still and none are declawed..my Larry and Mary Jane are with her now..and they are not indoor cats there either ..indoor/outdoor actually..
27 Oct, 2009
I just watched the video and I dare say N2....your kitty is not going to be a mighty hunter...and of course your kitty will still be able to bat bugs with or without claws...and if this is what you must do, I do wish for a swift recovery and a long and happy life for your kitty...not one person got upset with the cricket being battered at all. Did the cricket become dinner or is it riding around in your cats fur somewhere?
27 Oct, 2009
I also took a look at the declawing website...this person...is selling things to be glued to the cats claws...so instead of declawing they should have things glued to the claws..I don't like either idea..but why go by something this person is saying about Americans that in the first place is not true..yes..it is legal to have your cats declawed but it is not the norm, and then of course you have to realise that this person is working very hard at making it sound very horrendous so he can sell more gluey items...to put on cats claws..have you ever put scotch tape on a cats claws..well? do they love it? Have you noticed when you put paste for fur balls on their paws how they first try very hard to shake it off? please this person is not caring about the welfare of a cat..only his pocket book..
27 Oct, 2009
As I wrote on the previous, deleted blog, I had a cat years ago who was rescued from the SPCA. She had been declawed. She was a happy, healthy cat. She ran and jumped and played. She climbed (yes, CLIMBED) trees, walked along narrow fences, caught mice and snakes and never had a spot of trouble with balance, walking or jumping from high places. She lived to the ripe old age of 16 before I had to have her put to sleep. She wasn't physically deformed, handicapped or in constant pain.
The Canadian and American Veterinary Medical Associations both have the following position regarding declawing.......
“Declawing of domestic cats should be considered only after attempts have been made to prevent the cat from using its claws destructively or when clawing presents a zoonotic risk for its owner(s). The CVMA believes it is the obligation of veterinarians to provide cat owners with complete education with regard to feline onychectomy.”
Why is it done?????
"Scientific data does indicate that cats that have destructive clawing behavior are more likely to be euthanized, or more readily relinquished, released, or abandoned, thereby contributing to the homeless cat population. When scratching behavior is an issue as to whether or not a particular cat can remain as an acceptable household pet in a particular home, surgical onychectomy may be considered.
There is no scientific evidence that declawing leads to behavioral abnormalities when the behavior of declawed cats is compared with that of cats in control groups."
N2O.....I hope your lovely kitty makes a swift and full recovery. :o)
27 Oct, 2009
Ian, I dont understand why you have took your Avitar pic off and having a few days away from GOY! this subject has touched the hearts of many people and yes some have been Passionate about it, The former Blog may have been deleted by P as it was flagged and as N2 is in a different time zone may not have seen it.. N2 has commented and as far as i can see his Avitar is still there and he hopefully is still a member of GOY.. If anyone is offended by these Blogs, its easy, dont go back to read the comments.. Dee..
27 Oct, 2009
n2o please keep us posted as to how Misty does - we are all sending you and her love.
27 Oct, 2009
Organics I am pleased to see you on here and obviously I too hope all is well with your Misty. My cats of which there are 4 range between 2 and 11yrs in age and in their opinion they own me ........
27 Oct, 2009
A little "factoid":
Our last cat "Midnight" was an outdoor cat for about 4 years before we moved into the new house and hunted with the best of them. One day she was hit by a car at the old rent-house and suffered a little hip damage. She recovered, but was always a little "wobblie" when she jumped up on things and would often miss her mark.
When we moved into the new house and saw how many natural predators were around the area, little "Midnight" could never be let outside because of the bobcats, coyotes, and hawks in the area and she started tearing up the carpet in one room. We made the decision to have her front paws de-clawed because she would never go outside for her own safety and be eaten by something out here. Dr. Malone was wonderful after her claw surgery and suggested that we could apply some "ambesol" (a sore tooth pain killer) to her paws nightly to keep her comfortable during the healing process. She responded great and loved it when "Daddy" would treat her little feet. I would set my alarm clock to wake me up every two hours to treat her with fresh pain killer every two hours night and day and after a week she was back to attacking her fake mice and any other thing that moved in the house! She even caught a REAL mouse in the garage shortly after and carried it into the living room! My wife thought that it was one of her "fake mice", but it was the real deal! She totally freaked!
I agree that de-clawing a cat is a radical thing to do to an animal that is a natural predator, BUT if it is done carefully (front caws only) and the cat is carefully watched and cared for after the procedure, they will still play and frolic like nothing ever happened! The "post-op" treatment is super critical..
28 Oct, 2009
S how is Misty doing n2o? Thanks for explaining your views on declawing a little more - it is still not a practice I can approve of but at least I know you are looking after the wee mite.
28 Oct, 2009
Ydd, I agree that there are some very 'passionate' people on this site and they have a right to voice their opinions but the other blog was taken off not by N2 or because of it's content but by Ajay because of "the rude/personal remarks" I am ashamed to be associated with those people and that is why I have removed my face from my avatar. I am giving GoY a miss for a while until things settle down again and have only come here to answer your comment because of the increasing number of personal Emails I was recieving about it.
I do not think we, as GoY members have the right to make personal attacks on one another because of our differing views and as such I have deleted some of my fav's because of their actions over this.
Thank you for taking the time to ask why I have taken this action and I prey GoY can get back to its usual happy friendly self very soon.
Best wishes.
28 Oct, 2009
Thank you for explaining things to us N2. It was maybe difficult for some of us to understand as it has always been very clear how much you love your cats. I wish Misty a speedy recovery and know you will make it as pain free as possible for her.
28 Oct, 2009
Glad to hear your kitty is doing well N2. :o)
28 Oct, 2009
HI n2o im glad to hear that Ur cat is well im sure she`l be as rite as Rain in no time :) Ian i saw no Personel remarks@N2O in that BLOG!!! it was Getting out of hand thats all & Sadly so is this??? i will be Flagging it after leaving this Comment as it is still not IN GOYs FAVOUR 4 this 2 Contiue!!!
28 Oct, 2009
Jacque, I have PM'ed you!
28 Oct, 2009
Yes I know Ian :)
28 Oct, 2009
Um... I think this is doing fine as a blog Jacque... we are trying to resolve an extremely distressing situation. My sense is that we are finally getting there. If this blog is removed then I will be very disappointed. I've seen far more on other blogs that have never been flagged or burned. Surely n2o could have deleted this at any point. We are noe following Misty's life post op. Frankly ther are far worse blos. that go on and on and cause a lot of stress and distress...
28 Oct, 2009
I have still flagged this due to the Comments it is now down to Peter/Ajay MG?
28 Oct, 2009
Well I for one am sorry,n2o is fine with this and I feel we do need space to discuss such things... where do you suggest Jacque?
28 Oct, 2009
Thank you MG, to be honest (and I've read and re-read this blog) I can not see any reason to flag it or any of the comments!
N2, How is little misty doing today? Carol and I are both sending our love and prayers to her and to you and your lovely family. :~)))
28 Oct, 2009
Ian I hope and trust that Pete and Ajay will not delete this - I do not understand why Jacques think they should... There may have been a few confrontational remarks way back but for the most part this is a loving supporting blog/ I really do not understand why you have flagged this Jacque and would like to hear why!
28 Oct, 2009
Little Misty is already attacking her fake mice and playing like crazy! Midnight, our last cat, took about a week to heal up, but Misty is right back to normal after only two days, running around the house with her tail hooked and attacking anything on the floors!
To all of the above comments, I love my little baby more than you can possibly imagine and she is one happy little cat that has been given a totally spoiled life in a stable loving home instead of a cooped up cage in some remote animal shelter.
30 Oct, 2009
Oh well done Misty. I can just imagine her crazily racing round with her toys. It's been a long time since I had any young kitties around. My lazy black cat Chevy, spends most of his time sleeping or looking out of the window and swearing at the birds. He is getting chubby too. LOL.
30 Oct, 2009
Thats Brill News N2 :)
30 Oct, 2009
Wonderful N2...spunky fellow that Mr..Misterioso kitty of yours...lol...used to carry a crazy doll call Mr. Misterioso in my store..lol..just thougnt of that when I thought of your kitty dilema again just now...
30 Oct, 2009
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20 Sep, 2008
She will not be able to do that after you've had her claws ripped out !
That is SO CRUEL :o((((((((
26 Oct, 2009