Mirror Mirror On the Fence
By nana_d
Went up to the loft to have a sort out a couple of weeks ago and found and old mirror so asked OH if he would bring it down and paint it with preservative and he also put silicone around the edges to stop the rain getting in. We are both pleased with the effect it gives in the left hand corner of the garden.
13 Aug, 2011
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Thanks Denise love it because it didn't cost anything either which is a bonus:)
13 Aug, 2011
13 Aug, 2011
I love it too..and it is in just the right place..wish I had an old one knocking about..the reflection of your plants looks great..well done to your OH..:o)
13 Aug, 2011
Have always loved this effect! Looks great!
13 Aug, 2011
Very nice, Nana, but I would worry the birds would fly into it . . . . .
13 Aug, 2011
it looks great.....the birds will soon get used to it..:-)
13 Aug, 2011
Very nice - it would really settle into your garden well if you had some plants growing round it so that you can't see the frame quite so much.
14 Aug, 2011
Thanks all, Mariek I have a Sambucas black lace to the side of it that I planted about a month ago and a honeysuckle so hopefully that will soften the edges in time:)
14 Aug, 2011
i love this look and been thinking of doing something similar, gives a great feeling of space i think looks fab Nana
14 Aug, 2011
It looks Fab Nana-d. I still want a mirror in my garden, just where to put one. I can see your Sambuka and honeysuckle, My sams are about 5ft, just planted this year, they really do shoot up, I think it looks great even without the plants "softening the edges" Love it :)
14 Aug, 2011
Thank SK and YDD :)
14 Aug, 2011
Very nice Nana`d, good to not have to pay out as well, how many places did you try before settling on that position? My son has placed a smaller one in his garden behind a vine, his garden is quite small really and its surprising what a difference it has made, hubby has been wanting me to put one in ours, trouble is he hasn`t yet provided me with one, I have lots of things in my attic but no mirror.,wondering if they`d notice if I nick the one out of our bathroom....
14 Aug, 2011
Very nice.I love the use of mirrors in the garden. :-))
I have a few in different places and the birds don,t seem to bother about them
car boot sales and charity shops are great places to find cheap ones
14 Aug, 2011
Thanks Linclass and Helen for your lovely comments, Linclass happy hunting for your mirror agree with Helen charity shops or car boots will be your best bet for a cheap one:)
15 Aug, 2011
What a good idea, love using mirrors in the garden, we have plans to use one but it involves a lot of hard work, so it is on the back burner at the mo.....
15 Aug, 2011
Thanks DD really love the different views we get from it and sitting in my conservatory it looks like the garden goes further on, thinking I might put a solar light at the bottom of it and see what it looks like:)
15 Aug, 2011
I love it, and as you say it will look even better next year when the planting has softened the edges.
19 Aug, 2011
Thanks Stroller good job we put silicone round the edges with all the rain we have been having here in Bournemouth!
20 Aug, 2011
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I like that Nana
13 Aug, 2011