K.G.I.A Episode 3 The photos
By nannijii
Finally, the digging is finished and no one has responded to my offer on free-cycle. Clearly, I am the only idiot undertaking garden renovations in January.
The huge mountain of soil, rubble, brick wall, rent man and double- glazing salesman is residing in the garage. I did not find the shirts, so I guess deep underground there is a worm or two wearing pink and yellow flower power outfits and tripping to the Beach boys. Probably ‘Good Vibrations’ or God Only Knows’ as I hammer away above their home.
Tomorrow the cavalry will arrive in form of a Paramedic and an Engineer plus a very bossy two-year old Foreman. Fortunately, they don’t want £350, just steak sandwiches and mugs of tea. Payment will of course depend on whether the Foreman decides that the new wall is built to his satisfaction.
As requested here are the photos. Two things I’ve noticed are that the area looks a lot better in the photos than it ever did in real life and it does not look half as big as my aching back is telling me it was,
21 Jan, 2014
Previous post: Why does your garden look the way it does?
Next post: So many reasons to be cheerful.
Thank you for the compliment about my garden. Last year both my sons were sent on courses for their work so I spent almost a whole year helping out with my three youngest grandkids. I think I have earned enough credit for them to build me the Great Wall of China.
21 Jan, 2014
It's all looking great!
21 Jan, 2014
Your garden looks pretty. From your description I thought it had nothing in it.
I always used to do some work in the garden during winter. I found you could get it done without damaging the plants too much. (not able to do things these days)
Pity you didn't find those shirts lol
22 Jan, 2014
thats pretty and as someone who has done a load of concreting I can vouch for how the body aches.
I hope they are making the tea and sarnies as well:o)
it will be gorgeous when its complete.
22 Jan, 2014
Hope the weather is good for you and your workers, it looked nice anyway but no doubt will be better for you and your peace of mind when you have your new wall done and can redo the bed and get your planting sorted.
Its a beautiful day here but far too wet to actually do anything other than have a wander and replenish the birdfeeders.......
22 Jan, 2014
Well Hywel, I guess I exaggerate for comic effect but now it is cleared I hope is will stay looking good.
22 Jan, 2014
Looks beautiful. Very wise to have a paramedic on standby - see if you can persuade him that you need a nice rest and a hot drink!
22 Jan, 2014
Your garden is beautiful! I too got the impression there wasn't much in it but in fact you have a lot of lovely plants there. I love the acer in the pot, and a lot of your garden looks pleasingly mature. Hope everything went well with the Wall! :)
22 Jan, 2014
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Your garden is beautiful - it's like a little courtyard.
Don't worry, you aren't the only one undertaking garden renovations this winter. I've a couple of jobs on the go at the moment but had to take a break to decorate the sitting room!
How wonderful to have your helpers arriving - I don't get many volunteers now. I think I imposed too many times. I've learnt to wait until my son needs something, mainly when he is needing a loan to tide him over until payday, then I present him with a list to do before I part with any cash ;)
21 Jan, 2014