My back garden
By nita
well we had the meeting the other week with the council about taking our gardens, they say they have to take our garden to make it viable to build more houses, if you see how many they want to build i think you would be angry as well. When we were shown the plans i will only have a postage stamp size left, last year we paid out for fencing so our 3 dogs could have a nice big run, this time next week it will all be gone,they have yet to make their mind up about a public foot path between mine and my neighbours which i might add will go past my bed room and bathroom windows NOT HAPPY.
The reason why they want to hurry this we think is because this area in the next year or so will become a national park which will be harder for them to build on.
We have another meeting july 2nd, will keep you informed.
Thanks for reading this got to get it off my chest.
nita x x
15 Jun, 2009
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thanks lincslass x
15 Jun, 2009
Oh Nita how sad and disheartening for you all, To lose most of your garden and your lovely dogs to lose there run is heartbreaking, I think i would try for another house or exchange..
15 Jun, 2009
if they are going to take alot i might just do that, and ive just got the garden loooking how i want it x
15 Jun, 2009
OOOOOOoooooooo no its not fare this is happening so fast :( Can u get in touch with the National Park People ? Maybe they can help u ?
15 Jun, 2009
we will find out abit more july 2nd, but if the council want to do it they normally get want they want x
15 Jun, 2009
What an awful way to treat people. They are insane !!
15 Jun, 2009
This is just not fair. You have done so much to your garden and so many beautiful flowers. I pray and hope they change their minds.
15 Jun, 2009
Very sorry to hear this Nita :(
I'd be unhappy and angry too, as Daisydee said, couldn't you try to be moved?
16 Jun, 2009
might just have to if its going to be that bad,the problem is this is a lovely area, or should i say was x
16 Jun, 2009
Poor hunny
its so unfair
we have an empty house down the end of our road, large gardens just dying to be looked after ;o)
x x x
16 Jun, 2009
thanks mookins, you have all been great x x
16 Jun, 2009
Nita. I do hope the council change their mind. I'm sure they could find some neglected areas that they could build on, and leave your garden alone. I wish you luck with your problem.
16 Jun, 2009
thanks silverbelle, but i think their minds are made up, will let you know whats going on after the meeting x
16 Jun, 2009
So sorry for you, it stinks what they are doing.
16 Jun, 2009
I am so sorry - and angry too. How dare they run rough-shod over people like you! GRRRRRR....
16 Jun, 2009
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- My back garden
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Goodness you have my sympathy ,I dont like this blog but wanted to show my support...........
15 Jun, 2009