bangers and mash and a bull elephant for amy
By noseypotter
i thaught id show you my famous bangers and mash and put you out my missery lol well it is now lol.ow and maybe if amy likes the picture im going to draw this handsom majestic beast for her
1 Mar, 2009
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thanx me to lol
2 Mar, 2009
Oh WOW .. Yes please he,s a real beauty Leigh , I quite fancy the bangers and mash as well ...LOL...
2 Mar, 2009
im afraid the bangers and mash are no more lol but i liked the look of this elephant.he looks so majestic
2 Mar, 2009 I know where I get liking all my food mushed be the English in me..this is how I would eat everything...if I could do it everyday..and not turn into "She who can not get out the door..!" yes the elephant is late husband was entranced by bull elephants and recorded every show of them there was on tv...he loved them all really but the bulls, he was a bit envious of I think...thanks for the blog..and enjoy being out doing your work today!
2 Mar, 2009
propper food lol i guess it ends up mashed up anyway in the end lol.the bulls are just awsome .
2 Mar, 2009
It,s a fabulous picture Leigh .. I love it :o)
2 Mar, 2009
me to he looks at piece yet powerfull and majestic i cant weight
2 Mar, 2009
I can,t either I keep coming back to have another look .. LOL ... :o)
2 Mar, 2009
im like that lol love lets hope i do him justice
2 Mar, 2009
I,m positive that you will ........ LOL ...
2 Mar, 2009
me to i have to be though realy and like i say if you dont like it ill keep it or sell it amy take care bye for now
3 Mar, 2009
He is fantastic, i have a model of an elephant one of those resin ones by country arts love heffalumps as Pooh would say LOL!!
(the bangers look tasty too!)
3 Mar, 2009
Looking forward to seeing the finished wellypant - good picture to work from there. The bangers n mash look yummi, but could I just make one little suggestion? A BIGGER PLATE! LOL ha ha ha...
3 Mar, 2009
that is a big plate took me 2 days to eat it a bit overinthusiastic with that onion gravy i was looking at lovingly to sid i wont want to get rid of it lol
3 Mar, 2009
Maybe a bucket next time, eh? x-)
3 Mar, 2009
what are you tring to say sid lol ?
3 Mar, 2009
Blimey Leigh....Your bangers and mash look fantastic. I think a bigger plate might be a good investment.....your gravy is just about leaking all over. LOL.
4 Mar, 2009
i know your right gilli thats the beauty of having dogs no food dropped goes to waste.i like the gravy almost best .i could virtualy eat it as soup
4 Mar, 2009
Thats a man size portion Nosey That would feed me for a week LOL
4 Mar, 2009
it fed me for two days lol one of my fave dinners
4 Mar, 2009
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Makes me feel hungry.
Could fancy the bangers and mash for breakfast, dinner or tea but don't think I could manage a whole elephant.
A magnificent beast, he surely is. Look forward to seeing your picture of him.
2 Mar, 2009