my back garden
By noseypotter
i havnt been on hear for ages , in fact id forgotten about it. i hope everyone is well. i cant load pictures for some reason so ill leave a video. i hope you enjoy
21 Feb, 2022
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Next post: my new front garden
wonderful Leigh, nice to see your dogs are looking happy and those sterlet are beautiful. I know they are related to sturgeon but I doubt you'll get any caviar haha.
I really like the asteroid planter, reminds me of open seed cases.
22 Feb, 2022
Well hello and welcome back Nosey, I really enjoyed watching the video, your garden is as fascinating as it ever was, nice to see you still have good company, your fish are fine specimens, I've often wondered if you were okay, I'm going to be cheeky, is the blue man you relaxing ??? Nearly forgot to ask, do you still light it all up at night, would love to see that...
22 Feb, 2022
I wondered if the blue man was based on him too Lincs. Isn't it lovely to see him still devising his amazing sculptures.
22 Feb, 2022
Oh Yes!!!!..A lovely surprise this morning, after all these years its so good to know he's stiil here and creative as ever, wonder if he has paintings to show us, I'll have to look on YouTube, I'm glad he didn't give up when not being able to load his pics...
22 Feb, 2022
Yes it was lovely to hear from him.
22 Feb, 2022
Sadly I can’t access videos on my iPad … will have to put my computer on …
… oh wow! Thanks Leigh - I loved the reflections in the moving water - video better than a photo 🙂.
22 Feb, 2022
thank you everyone. i dont think i can getn my images down to 1mb but ill try but im more likely to do asnotherr film for you all. ive had a bad time. my mum and best friend died just over 2 years ago and it was horrible as you can imagine. what made it much worse is my sister taking over and treating my mums beloved dog horribly. in fact exactly what my mum didnt want. she wouldnt let me have him either and i bred him and have his 2 brothers and i know they get on well. the will said it all. she charged 5,000 for looking after him and sold the house to her son cheap and didnt tell me about my mums funeral. i effectivly havnt got any family now but thats life. i just cant seam to draw anymore since she died but i have got a kiln and will make things to order. i hope your all well xx.
22 Feb, 2022
Oh Leigh I am so sorry for the situation you found yourself in. Just remember your sister cannot take away the treasured memories you have of your mum. The drawing will come back when your brain feels ready.
Hywel has a kiln [I think]. I'd be interested to see what you make. Love the beard by the way! :o)
23 Feb, 2022
Bless you Leigh, I lost my beloved sister just over two years ago also, she was always my little sister, one I had to care for, help her through the rough times and she sure had plenty of those in her life, I've been struggling without her, losing someone effects us in different ways, you haven't lost your mum completely Leigh, she is in your heart and mind as Cathy is with me, I chat to her all the time, when I'm alone that usually ends in tears but I also laugh at the daft things she did , that's soothing...Sadly it seems your sisters actions have made it worse for you, we cannot change the past but I think by talking about it, even if its only on here to us means you are taking back your own life, I call it getting your Mojo back Leigh, its good and I'm willing you to continue, I know I'm pleased to see you and hoping to see and hear more from you, even if it is another scary man face that I don't wish to see in the dark....
23 Feb, 2022
thank you both so much. i really apreciate it xx.
30 Mar, 2022
Hello My friend ,what a sad story ,I'm so sorry to hear about your mum and best friend , we were talking about you this week when my son came to visit as he remembered meeting you .. I'll go and see if I can look at your video ... I know you were pleased to know your Mushrooms are still taking pride of place in our daughter's garden since we moved . Take care my friend xx
30 Mar, 2022
Love the Blue man Leigh you have a rare talent ,it's good to see you're still doing your art work ... xx
30 Mar, 2022
Recent posts by noseypotter
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- my new front garden
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- my concrete wall at night
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well hello stranger, how are you doing. That is so weird I was looking back at some of your earlier blogs and wondered how you were.
yes we have been having issues with photos and I have found ones just under 1mb will load.
I will have a look at your you tube video next.
22 Feb, 2022