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the green man


at last my green man is hitting our screens on property ladder on the 7th of july at 8pm .i bean weighting ages but its worth it.ive bean invited to the man who me and melly did it for .he is a very nice man and hes done a cracking well chuffed he used my art as part of the entrance to a stunning build.what a complement im flatterd as it goes.i think sarah beany doesnt like it because hes built something personal in his house.allen and i dissagree in this partly biast and partly dont agree as if the green man belongs anywear its the middle of thetford forest.allen agrees with that part and the fact that hes not selling this house means it doesnt matter to him.i think unbiastly that it will put some people of but be a great selling point to others myself.ive planted pierres pond up now and put a few fish in it.i took doctor bobs advice of of here for the white wisteria and said so on the utube video.take care bye for now .

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Glad your Green Man will be seen on TV - he deserves some publicity. He looks great there! Perhaps in the future he'll have a lovely garden to preside over as well...

9 Jun, 2009


Wow Leigh, he is fantastic. I love him. It's no surprise that he is going to be on TV. Absolutely fabulous. Gosh, I wish I had him on my house. :o)

9 Jun, 2009


NP, I just watched your UTube... the pond looks fantastic. Nice to hear your voice too. :o)

9 Jun, 2009


great piece of art NP, is he a good luck symbol?.........steve

9 Jun, 2009


sometimes houses just have that something that make the decider for you when you are house hunting, although i have not seen the actual house, the green man would NOT put me off but if anything entice me more
I think hes fab
x x x

9 Jun, 2009


Hi NP, Just wached the you tube, it was brill, to anyone who has not seen it take a look it's fun,

9 Jun, 2009


thank you everyone youve bean so supportive and i realy apreciate it so is my take on the green man who is i think like the god of your garden but in this case in the middle of the forest steve so must be good luck.its good luck for me.did you all like the idea of sneaking that other very similer climber in with the wisteria each side ?again thanx

9 Jun, 2009


Thought Green Man looked familiar!
I saw the trailer for Property Ladder last night where Sarah Benny says she would pay to take green man down Stupid woman has no taste! He looks fabulous I certainly wouldn’t mind him on the front of my house. :0)

9 Jun, 2009


here here her contraversy is my gain she has know forsight realy thanx sueb

9 Jun, 2009


What a Great Blog NP :) U was so brave getting into the Water Feature/Pond it must of been FRrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing :/

9 Jun, 2009


Thetford Forest is the perfect place for it NP , I love your Green Man ... it,s fabulous ...

I,m annoyed as I,m going to miss the property ladder programme , I,ll be on holiday ... I will have to get it recorded .........
I,m off to look at UTube now !!

9 Jun, 2009


yes it was i nearly became a flat chested woman lol but it had to be done lol.dont worry amy im getting it recorded for my port folio and your welcome to it x

9 Jun, 2009



9 Jun, 2009


thanx seams like sarah is wrong or your all scratching wear im itching which i doubt very much.if she renovated an old church would she rip of the gargoyls i ask myself.i think not.what about the houses of parliment or buckingham palace i wonder lol

9 Jun, 2009


Thanks NP X

9 Jun, 2009


your welcome amy x

9 Jun, 2009


I love it!! i have a small plaque green man in my garden, i'd love one that size! Some people have no vision, will look out for the programme NP, well done again!!!

10 Jun, 2009


programs are about money sarah beany would probably have it herself the truthe be know thanx anyway

11 Jun, 2009


i just watched the video on u tube. i think its awesome i cant imagine why she didnt like it.......maybe because it wasnt by a 'known artist'. shes probably a folower of fashion not an individual like you or me...her should be very proud of it..well done u and Mel....

2 Jul, 2009


yes thanx sandra hope your good it was my second concrete piece as it goes.mel doesnt get the recognition she deserves ill tell her thanx again x

2 Jul, 2009


musn't miss it musn't miss it musn't miss I'll miss it...........

7 Jul, 2009


calm down sid lol you can watch old progs on utube or channal 4 itself

7 Jul, 2009

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