glass painting update
By noseypotter
ive done a bit more glass painting and finished a few bits of.these are for hanging in the garden but obviously would work being painted on the back of a tank and bacK lit or under a coffee table say or if you look at my other blogs called modern fossils you can do the leaf impressions for other things like stepping stones or mobiles etc.i hope you enjoy them and if not them the pertential ideas mirrors,part of a mirror or even in the corner of house windows.also you can trap a normal drawing with fish tank glue.ive used a tiger print i drew as an egsample then put that in a frame as shown.
with the abstract that i did realy for practise as its not realy my thing though its got to be said i like it,ive calved some of the patterns out into the frame.also i coloured the blue moon rose after my dads frame with a dye that stains the wet cement.ive only just thaught of this and theres loads of ideas bouncing round my head for potential the more i do and thats only a few the more i think of and i can conbine my love of art,gardening and sculpture all in one thing.
i did this free hand when i did that charity event and met amy again as i couldnt stand there and do nothing so i copied my hand ish lol.and anything else i could think of .funnily enough i did another skull lol
the butterfly i did as an excerbition but i dropped it and it is know more quite upset as i thaught it was nice.the other thing is as the guildhall is a charity i decided to donate it as a raffle prize but not to worry i shall just have to do another lol and here is the koi i have quite litteraly bean doing all night with know sleep.i couldnt sleep so why tired now.i went to print of a few carp pictures but just my luck id run out of magenta so had to free hand it and you know what i am realy realy pleased with this.cant weight to put colour into it .im going to put yellow glitter in the scale yellow and black paint and head etc so it shines like ghost koi do well thats the theory lol .did i mention the skull bubble tank feacture lol.sorry i just cant help myself going to do the frame the same as the butterfly this time much more carefully lol which is fitting as it is old fish tank gravel.i think as well i will colour all but the air bubbles which i mite leave clear bar a white small high light .i think ill do a flower collage excuse my spelling next and calve the the flowers into the frame next.i do hope you dont mind me blowing my own trumpet but it`s just gone 9am and im coverd in black paint ,tired and its only about my 6th piece of glass painting.i mite of found my forte of a few things i like doing all in one .and the oranutangs are three dimentional pottery that i could frame just endless even thinking about it now.anyway excuse my large swollen head take care bye for now.i also put things on here because i know you apreciate and give an honest opinion which is quite refreshing.take care everyone bye for now
28 Aug, 2009
Previous post: the elephant is finished
Next post: oranutan
They are just amazing, Leigh! I've been looking at your stuff on youtube,too, gobsmacking!!
28 Aug, 2009
Wow, what a bunch of talent. I should take up art again, I used to have exhibitions in Thetford back in the eighties, I dabble now and again as well as write poetry, I will most probably take it on again when I retire and have more time on my hands. I love your Tiger, they are my favourite animals, I adopt two, wish I could save all of them, beautiful creatures. Do you exhibit your art in galleries locally? I bet they would sell well.
28 Aug, 2009
I second that, Norfolk, he's amazing, isnt he????
28 Aug, 2009
Leigh ..the Gorilla and monkeys are truly life like , fabulous ! you are so very talented ........
I very much like the fish as well ...
Now go and get some sleep ... LOL... x
28 Aug, 2009
Oh wow very clever - well done!
28 Aug, 2009
Great Leigh, Love all the bright colour. I wouldn't want to meet that Tiger though, what a beauty.
28 Aug, 2009
i havnt got a studio i do it in the kitchen or the lean to lol mookins xx you should take it up norfolk as or the tiger i have prints if you want one of the origional i drew in 2000 for £15 including postage if you like it that much. i never save up enough art because im always selling them lol.ive never got enough lol .thank you so much good night everyone lol xx
28 Aug, 2009
ow i would doc just behind a large strong door or when it was happier lol hope your ok mate
28 Aug, 2009
Love them i also love the tiger
28 Aug, 2009
i got more than one print clarice and ill personaly sign them on the back again if ya want.they mite be worth something when i kick the bucket lol
28 Aug, 2009
all looks great NP, love the chimps awww :o)
28 Aug, 2009
i just love it all but the chimps are awesome........
28 Aug, 2009
It all looks very nice Love your work
28 Aug, 2009
thanx so much there oranutangs bye the way lol
28 Aug, 2009
chimps monkey ourangutangs or however you spell it after a few glasses of wine......there just
28 Aug, 2009
I love the green man and the little house on the land with the sun reminds me of the caption out of mary popins when bert took the kids and drew the little road and bridge. lovely.
28 Aug, 2009
bless im well enjoying it cant sleeep lol
29 Aug, 2009
Great stuff NP. I live only about 45 minutes from the Three Counties Showground - that's by Malvern - y'know where the spring gardening show is held? Anyway, coz it's so close, that's the one I usually get to go to. Walking around these shows, you do see quite a few stands selling arty crafty things for gardens - haven't seen anything as original as what you do tho. I was just wondering if you had considered getting a stall at one of these sorts of shows to sell some of your work? Could be good to show off some stuff - might even get on telly lol I was amazed at some of the prices on stuff when I was there - if you look back through my blogs I did one on the Malvern show and posted a pic of some rocks on chains - they were being sold for I think it was about £70? Just a rock on a chain! Don't know if they sold any tho lol
I've been doing more with pastels recently - did a portrait of my friend's pet rabbits that I'm really proud of! Don't want to give it her now ha ha.... Bye for now... hope you're looking after Sid Very Well!!
1 Sep, 2009
ofcourse i am and yes i do want to sell these outside pictures as there so origional thanx again
1 Sep, 2009
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lovin those monkeys and the gorilla
so life like
just amazing
do you have an open studio NP?
x x x
28 Aug, 2009