finally! some warm weather!
By odaatpat
hi folks! well i do believe that winter has finally was the longest, coldest winter i ever remember. i have no difficulty hibernating for the length of our normal winter, but this past one was SO hard…when we had the last two snow storms, i closed the curtains, and turned on the tv…i was not going to watch anymore snow fall..i felt sorry for the folks on our east coast…more than once, they had to tunnel through the snow to get out of their homes…people were warned not to cross the roads at the intersections..the snowbanks were so high that motorists couldn’t see the pedestrians..the latest hardship they faced was the fact that those high snowbanks had been covered with ice so thick that the snowploughs couldn’t move them…so awful…i’m just today getting outside for the first time in 2015…hoping to post more later..just saw on the tv that the east coast will be getting more snow!
15 Apr, 2015
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Oh Odaatpat, how horrible - you must be going hairless with frustration! Thank you for sharing this, it makes me count my blessings yet again! If you haven't been able to get out how do you shop and how do people get to work and to school?
15 Apr, 2015
hi Linda235..i'm trying to remember how to get around this site..hope this works..i wrote that blog in the am, before going out to tidy up the was lovely..just needed a light jacket..came in, had a short nap, wanted to take the boys out for a run, and had to put on a heavy jacket, scarf and mittens! we went out, but i cut the run short..the wind was so bitterly's going to be awhile before the weather settles down...good to hear from you again..
16 Apr, 2015
I heard from an East Coast friend they are asked to feed the wild birds, as they are returning from their winter migration and there are no insects yet. Her husband had to put his snow shoes on to go out and feed them, which they have done all winter.
Glad its warming up for you. Maybe a polytunnel near the house is a solution if it would trap some warm air.
16 Apr, 2015
hi Steragram..i should have said that this is the first day i've been out to garden, but really the only time i go outside in the winter is once a week, when i get a ride to the grocery store..i let Jake and lil' Joe out on the porch everyday, but i watch them very carefully, and they're never out for more than 3-4 minutes at a time..they're just too tiny to take the cold..i have my doll collection and doll sites on the web..that keeps me occupied during the winter i read, play with the cat and dogs..etc...i'm used to it, and like some of my friends, i enjoy's very peaceful..i don't know how the folks on the east coast managed this year, but whenever they were interviewed on tv, they were very cheerful..they're strong people over there..thanks for posting, good to hear from you...
16 Apr, 2015
hi's things?my little trailer home was pretty cosy for the most part..central heating is a blessing..but i did have an episode with my water pipes freezing, even though i had left the tap open a bit..just wasn't open enough..i was lucky enough to get the plumber here before the taps next door neighbour's pipes froze in the walls..twice! the plumber had 17 urgent calls re frozen pipes in the space of 30's very expensive..cost me $300. i don't know what one would do, if you just didn't have the can't let it go, the pipes burst.....anyway, i think spring weather is here now, fingers crossed...nice to be back here...
16 Apr, 2015
I lived in what we call a Park Home for 15 years. my water pipes were all internal. Even so I always thoroughly lagged them in October, everybody did. I am now in an upstairs flat with loft lagging in the roof so its too hot in the summer!
17 Apr, 2015
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25 Feb, 2011
Hi Odaatpat, I have a friend here from Toronto and she says the same. Glad it is warming up for you.
15 Apr, 2015