A little water never hurt anyone..........
By oddbillie
Hi all!
Well, day off today and when Ali got home from her morning shift, we dashed down to the Homebase to pick up a bigger half barrel for the New Dawn rose we bought last week and a bag of compost for it……picked up a couple of extras as well but you’ll see them in weeks to come!
Got back, cuppa tea and then she was off again for her lunchtime shift…..and I made my way out to a very grey-looking sky and rose in need of re-potting in it’s new home! Spent about 2 or so hours out there for which it rained for one hour! It did me and the flowers no harm and was lovley to see a little downpour….
I needed a bigger barrel as the wickery oblisk didn’t quite fit in the one I had here so it now looks like this:
The Rose is obviously in the right hand barrel along with some seeds, which will hopefully appear in bloom in a couple of months. The barrel to the left has Petunia: Phantom in the middle and is surrounded by Trailing Petunia: ‘Callie’ Cream. The middle pot has another Phantom whilst the terracotta half pot on the front of the
potting shed has more Callie so hopefully something nicer for Ali AND me to look at when we are at the kitchen sink.
This is featured on page 3 of my photo’s and is a Variagated Pieris that Ali bought as a cutting from outside a fruit shop in April last year. Take a look at the cutting and compare it to how it looks now…..really chuffed and re-homed it today in this pot.
Heuchera: Looking healthy.
The next two pics are close-ups of Viola Scented:
Elaine Quin
Roscastle Black
The foliage on this Alcea: Nigra is really nice and can’t wait for it to bloom in summer.
Cracking leaves on the Hosta: Minuteman by the pond and should soon start sprouting some lovely flowers. It was stunning last year but I always like the leaf on most Hostas….
This one is actually in the ground by the pond and is giving it’s best show since planting…..
And this is the little fern right on the waters edge. I just love the shade of green….
My sweetpea are in and on their way. Not a great show last year so hoping for better this year….
Lavender grown from seed by Ali a couple of years ago and looking quite healthy and ready to move to the next stage….
Aquilegia: Clementine White
Heuchera: Obsidian
This is taken from the greenhouse looking across to what we call the Woodland area….
My two Acers outside the greenhouse with Acer Palmatum: Chitoseyama on the left and Crimson Queen on the right.
A bucketload of mixed poppy seeds have taken well and should be quite nice…..fingers crossed.
Looking across to greenhouse and Honeysuckle has shot up on the trellis this year. I love the way everything takes a year or so to establish.
Veronica: Tissington White
Scabious: Butterfly Blue Beauty
This will hopefully turn into a fabulous Oriental Poppy….
When we first moved here two and a half years ago, I had no interest in gardening at all. Ali said she would like a greenhouse and veg plot and I said the famous last words:
‘Well, if you’re going to do veg, we need some colour on the decking!’ – the earth here is not good so we use mostly pots. Since then, the love for it all has just grown and the next pic, is the very first plant I purchased which is my Fatsia Japonica. Of course, it was MUCH smaller back then but it has been re-homed in this huuuuuuuuge pot and I’m really proud of him!
My sunflower seeds have shot up within a week of planting! Hopefully better luck than I had last year:0)
Spotted this little fella on the honeysuckle when I went to take a close-up…..
This is the view from the greenhouse door up the garden….
And finally…….as if I would forget him……JUST FOR MY FRIEND GEE19……..
Rowan Tree!!
Thanks for looking and how was your day?
5 May, 2011
Previous post: Time flies when you're NOT having fun.....!
Next post: Losing the plot........
Helloo Oddbillie!...I think your iris may be a poppy?! Your garden's looking great, it's remarkable how fast things can grow...turn your back and they've grown another foot taller! Well done to on growing your lavender from seed, I could do with some, so I must give that a go, your plants are looking very healthy! They'll give you a lovely show of colour soon!
5 May, 2011
Your plants are magnificent - especially as most of them have been sown from seed. Your garden is so neat and tidy.
5 May, 2011
Thanks Bill. When we moved here about two and a half years ago, it was just lawn with some mis-sized council slabs for a path from the decking to the bottom gate.
I took those up and set to work. If you've got time, take a look at some of my first blogs to get an idea of how I was able to transform it. It has been fun but hard work BUT, worth it to see the results. Give it a go but to be honest, with a garden that big, you could do wonderful things with like breaking it up in to different areas with trellis to form natural breaks with climbers on them to make them more natural. then, when you walk round it, a new little oasis appears! Just a thought and I will catch up with any blogs you have done.
Hi Libet!
Thanks for your kind comments. I have popped the wrong picture on for the Iris....DOH!!
I used to hate the smell of lavender but since turning 40, 3 years ago, I rather like it now! I will also check your blogs and pics out as well in time.
Thanks again both!
5 May, 2011
Sorry Mariek, crossed comments there!
Don't be fooled by the tiddiness of it all. I have an area in front of the potting shed which is full of green garden bags as our rubbish men don't do the 'green' waste around here!
It will be sorted in a few weeks when I have time off but as I have said in the past on GoY, it's amazing how we all think highly of each other's gardens yet don't always see it in our own. It's already apparent to me, after 2 short years of gardening and with no previous desire to do it, that your garden is most definitely an ongoing, everlasting project! A fun on one at that but never 'quite right'....
I look forward to catching up with you all as I have been away for some time.
Thanks again
5 May, 2011
I can well remember you transforming your garden and how hard you worked, it looks smashing Dan, you definitely got hooked..
I`d appreciate a few hours rain here so if you have a little to spare please send it our way...
6 May, 2011
Your garden looks lovely and fresh, what a welcome sight to see rain on the plants :)))
6 May, 2011
One tip Bill is the gravel size, too small and the cats use it I have 1/2" and the cats dont go near it. I love it and when it rains it looks lovely.
6 May, 2011
I've got the jumbo gravel meself and I agree Drc726. However, they were using the bark in my border and near pond until I recently purchased sonar systems on ebay which seem to do the trick and friendly!
6 May, 2011
Hi Lincs! How are yu? I have hopefully moved the rain on your way as it burnt off this morning so very bright out there right now:0)) Been to GC again and spent a few more quid but you can't take it with you so why not!
TOTally agree Michaella
6 May, 2011
what beautiful healthy plants you have ~ have you got greenfingers too?
your garden is looking just lovely, so many of my favourite plants.
do you mind me asking how much the half barrel was?
6 May, 2011
lovely plants there oddbillie and such a lovely garden too.
New Dawn is a gorgeous rose and I use it in my avitar picture. nice scent that isnt too overpowering.
6 May, 2011
How lucky you are to have some rain Dan, I think some might get to us tonight or tomorrow maybe :o)
Lovely Pieris you have, what's your secret? I always manage to kill them! I agree about cats and bark but don't have any problem with small gravel.
I love the layout of your garden it's so interesting, hope we shall see more of it before too long :o))
6 May, 2011
Stickitoffee: Thanks for that and glad you like. The barrel was from Homebase and I've been eyeing them up for over a year but didn't really know what to use it for until we got the rose for the mums. It was £29.99 and was needed to fit the Oblisk.
SBG: Thanks also for your comments. I look forward to thescent of the New Dawn and it's alreay flourishing in its new home.....
Lily: Yes, the rain was about for over an hour but today was beautiful again. I managed to get some more plants today and got some areas planted up and some more seeds sown. Finished about 7ish just before it started picking to rain. About 9.45pm tonight, the heavens opened for a good 45 minutes so the garden will be happy! As for the Pieris, well, no secret really. It was a tiny cutting as mentioned and seems to flourish. I keep it in full sun and the leaves are stunning to look at with the green and red in abundance! Multi-purpose compost and that's it really....oh, and the obvious watering when necessary. Much bigger this year though.
I'm interested to know why you say the layout is interesting because from my perspective, I don't have a plan as such, just put pots and containers where I think they look good I guess. It's interesting to know your views as it may help me in future moves. Funny how we see so much in other people's gardens isn't it?!
Hope to have lots more pics/blogs on here over the summer. It's been really good to get back out there.
6 May, 2011
Enjoyed the tour very much OB like you I`ve no lawns to mow yet somehow have been thinking lately that the garden lacks something - yet looking at yours I think its great strange creatures aren`t we.lol
6 May, 2011
I will look at your photographs and blogs..I'm going to try and work my way threw everyones photographs. The trouble is there are so many wonderful pictures and gardens it takes so long..Your right about splitting my garden up it does need it.
6 May, 2011
It's good to see everything is thriving in your garden, Dan. I love those Violas, gorgeous colours and markings. The Scabious is very pretty and, as you know, I love that white Aquilegia! Happy gardening ... : o ))
7 May, 2011
Well Dan maybe that's just it, you didn't have a plan but it just evolved. I love all the separate bits like the trees and grass at the bottom then the gravelled area with the trellis divider and the steps up to the decking area and I seem to remember another 'bit on the side' you were working on with pavings? Lots of pots always bring otherwise dull areas to life even if they are a pain sometimes with watering. We get so used to our own gardens that they become commonplace....the grass is always greener eh? Well mine definitely isn't! lol. Rain today hooray!!!
7 May, 2011
Bill: You're completely right about GoY. When I first found it, I was looking for advice on making a pond area as the gardening was all new to me. I googled a question and GoY was there so I took a look and nearly 2 years on, here I still am, with a pond area, a new bunch of friends, a whole lot more experience and.........STILL playing catch-up on the pics and blogs!!
It was and still is, so addictive and that first night, I went to bed at around 1am having been looking through blogs for over 3 hours!! Good fun tho eh?!! Looking forward to seeing some pics of your garden as well....
Lily: Thanks for that. I know what you mean. I've thought about the garden I would like and ones I most certainly wouldn't want and then I see one I would never have on here and think....'Oh, I like that!!'
It's a great journey and sharing in everyone's else's visions, planned or otherwise is truly an inspirational thing. Had a LOOOOOOOOAD of rain overnight....heavy downpour so I have sent it your way. Thanks again:0))
8 May, 2011
Sorry, missed your comments there Shirley and Stroller.
Stroller: It's a small area of lawn we have out there which I would get rid of but Ali thinks we should keep it for the birds and worms etc....fair point. And YES, we are strange creatures and none stranger than me.....or so Ali would say!
Thanks Shirley, your seed sent are coming along so hope to have some pics soon. Exciting stuff seeing them come through!
8 May, 2011
Rain duly received Dan, thank you very much. Very good quality it was too, made everything very wet :o) Been busy planting a new area today in lovely moist soil, thoroughly enjoyed it :o))))
8 May, 2011
I've been thinking Lily, the Pieris needs acid soil to flourish but if you haven't got acid soil, put it in a container with ericaceous compost and this should see it do much better. If you already do this, then I am at a loss I'm afraid. Been working today so not got out there but glad to hear you had fun palnting a new area:0))
8 May, 2011
thanks OB.
10 May, 2011
Camellias and Rhodos do well around here Dan so the soil must be fairly acidic at least. Maybe I'll dig it up and try it in a pot like you suggest as I think it will pop its clogs otherwise. This is about the third one I've had, I have no luck with Skimmias either :o(
10 May, 2011
Took me a while but I finally got here, OB! Your garden is doing so well and I would welcome a drop of your rain too. My little rowan tree has a lot of growing to do and it will never be as rounded as yours as it is an upright version. I will get around to putting a photo on soon :)
15 May, 2011
Recent posts by oddbillie
- It's Good To Be Back.......Pt 2
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- It's Good To Be Back.......Pt 1
22 May, 2014
- Some progress - slowly but surely!
12 May, 2014
- OB......is that really you??!!
5 May, 2014
- Losing the plot........
9 May, 2011
- Time flies when you're NOT having fun.....!
2 May, 2011
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What an superb garden you have got there, i've been thinking of using gravel at the back of mine and it think looking at yours has convinced me. All your plants look very healthy and i like the pot in the side of the potting shed..
5 May, 2011