It's Good To Be Back.......Pt 2
By oddbillie
Hi all!
Well, it’s been a little longer than I had planned but it’s been a bit manic here to say the least.
I’ve been non-stop in work but worse, Ali had an MRI scan a few months ago for her Tinnitus and was told 2-3 weeks for the results – that turned out to be 10 weeks!! Anyway, when she went to see the Doctor in the hospital, he informed her that they have found a growth on the Pituitary Gland! She went for blood tests on Tuesday and is waiting to be called in for further discussion. Obviously with her history, it has been a worrying time but I’m trying to keep her spirits up and a chat with a new GP last week has made her feel a little better.
So, Whilst I’ve not neglected the garden, I have not had a chance to get on here to share some more pics of the garden in the past 2-3 weeks so here’s hoping you like them. We have some plans for later in the year if we can sort the money side out so watch this space!
Some marvellous Californian Poppies, which I’ve had no luck with before so chuffed with these considering the pack of seeds was 3 months out of date! I love em!
We’ve got some nice Asters and Gazania’s going well….
4 years ago, when I started out on this gardening lark, I had some lovely Asiatic Lilies, which were attacked by Red Lily Beetle. As per advice at the time, we’ve not had any Lilies since but this year, I decided to go for it and they are a treat right now….
The berries are now forming on the Rowan and Ali is excited because this year she is going to add to her preserves and chutneys by attempting Rowan Jelly!
And Ali bought a very nice porcelain teapot on a saucer bird feeder which is currently hanging in amongst those branches of the Rowan….
One of my troughs planted up with tall grasses, Heuchera’s and Snapdragons looking full of colour and form. Also some nice shots of the bees enjoying some of the plants but mainly the Honeysuckle…
The flowers on the potatoes always look lovely before they die off…
Solar panels fitted for free on the Government scheme…
5 water lilies in the small pond this year but Ali wants me to extend the size of the pond now! As it took almost a day to dig out the clay for the current ‘small’ pond, I can’t say it’s high on my agenda!!
And as the sun starts to fade at the end of another sunny day, the garden is watered and we sit back on the decking with a bowl of chopped fresh fruit and yoghurt with a crushed digestive on the top – nom nom – to enjoy the birdsong and colours before us…..
Hope you enjoyed :o)
And how was your week?
10 Jul, 2014
Previous post: It's Good To Be Back.......Pt 1
What a worry for you both ! Why is it that when anything has to be checked out, you have to wait for ages to get results. I hope Ali will be okay.
I do love the colour in your garden and I'm pleased you went on my blog , otherwise I wouldn't be looking at yours now ! I like the sound of the fruit and yoghurt with the biccie ! I shall have to try that !
11 Jul, 2014
Will be thinking of you and Ali, OB, it is so stressful waiting for results. We had a similar situation over last Christmas when my son in law had a blood clot. Your photos are lovely and I still envy you your rowan tree! My little one is getting taller but not many berries on it still but a few more this year than last :)
I like the sound of your 'pud' too - in fact I had to go off and help myself to a flat peach but, unfortunately, the yogurt isn't ready yet and no biccies!
11 Jul, 2014
Love all the colour.....great photos. Best wishes to you both.
11 Jul, 2014
Hey oddbillie, hang in there (or out there when the weather is nice), whilst waiting on the test results , everything crossed for Ali. Pics are lovely, really like the water lily.
13 Jul, 2014
Love the bright and beautiful photos Dan ... I do hope all goes well for Ali ... try and get some free time from that job of yours!
17 Jul, 2014
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The MRI scans are wonderful. Hope the growth is benign.
I like California Poppies too. Where do you live ?
Will pass the information about Solar Panels to our local
Council. Maybe they dont know.
11 Jul, 2014