Ssssshh.....don't shout it too loudly but.....?
By oddbillie
… actually stopped raining today! No, honest, IT DID!! I have pictures to prove it too.
Before I tell you all about that though, I just had to share something with you that happened to me earlier this morning. I was awake fairly early and went through to the office upstairs to, well…okay, look through Goy, like you couldn’t guess! Well, as I looked out of the window, my gaze was drawn to the bottom peanut feeder where I was amazed to see….
….a Great Spotted Woodpecker! I grabbed my bino-coolers and sat in awe and wonder for over 5 minutes, watching this most majestic of birds with fabulous markings. As Ali had already seen him one day prior when I had been in work, I felt it only right and proper, to keep this moment to myself…so I did!
What an amazing way to start my day. Unfortunately, my camera was downstairs, although the optical zoom is not strong enough to have done this little fella justice – the new camera arrives tomorrow Bonkersbon! So, I look forward to introducing him to you all in some future pics….if he lets me!
Anyway, prior to this event, I lay in bed, staring out of the window watching the weather give off some confusing signs. Chucking down with rain…no, sorry, blue sky….oops, chucking it….no, blue sky…, chucking…well, you get the idea! When I was sat in the office, the first, not so amazing, sight to behold me was this….
Later, around lunchtime, it seemed to clear and Ali, having been cooped up since Saturday, was desperate to go for a drive to get some fresh air. So, we waited to be certain on the weather….
….and went for a drive to a reclamation yard and Homebase for sand to put under the pond – I hasten to add that Ali didn’t get out of the car at either place! Bet she wished she had as I bought a bit more than sand in homebase!!!
So, what did I buy? Well, Coreopsis – ‘Early Sunrise’, Lavandula stoechas Alexandra – ‘Butterfly Lavender’, an old copper coal scuttle – thanksfor the inspiration Greenthumb, an old reclaimed chimney pot for the woodland border, for around the eagerly awaited pond….Acorus Ogon – ‘Ornamental Grass’, Polystichum polyblepharum – ‘Jade fern’, Hosta – ‘Shade Fanfare’, another Aser – can’t remember the name! and a 20Kg bag of seeds for our feathered friends! Oh, and a nice, new shiny seed feeder for them as well – thought the orange would go well in the Rowan tree!
A few individual pics of my purchases….
Butterfly Lavender
Planted in the reclaimed scuttle, but have moved it up onto decking into sunlight…there’s optimism for you, eh!
My lords, ladies & gentlemen, dinner is served…..
So, after sorting out all the little bits and having some food, not much time left of afternoon so took some more pics to share…..
Hello little friend. Who’s the little poser then?
Just after taking this one, another little robin appeared in the Rowan tree but didn’t stay long enough to get the both of them on camera!
So, then as I stood waiting for more photo opportunites, so this little fella fluttered by and landed at my feet….
Have to look up the name of him but very nice all the same!
Meanwhile, Mrs Blackbird takes a high vantage point to oversee events….
‘OY! Hurry up on them Balles de Fat!’, says Mr Robin
And that was it. The cloud formations were sneaking back over but as yet, have held off. Tomorrow is another day and one in which I intend to start the transformation of the pond area.
This is what it looks like as of today…..
Not such a tidy garden now eh, Youngdaisydee!!:0)-
Watch this space…..
30 Jul, 2009
Previous post: ALLO ALLO....Listen very carefully, I will say zis only once!
Next post: POND DEVELOPMENT....A confession to make!!!
Thanks LL. Ali certainly did feel better but very tired when we got home...she's never had so much time doing nothing! Normally she's up early every morning for her first shift - care work for the elderly with dementia - and busy in between shifts. It becomes a long day then. So, having done nowt for 5 days, a little bit of 'out' wore her out! Still, at least she's feeling better and her system took a battering last weekend.
I feel another spree coming on tomorrow as I hope to pick up some rocks and bark etc for that pond area. Just hope the frog comes back now....and his mates! Ah well, we got 3 small porcelain ones scattered about the decking if he doesn't!
Just gonna add you as a favourite so and then spend the next couple of weeks catching up with your blogs and pics, amongst other!
I love the birds as well :0)-
30 Jul, 2009
Only another day until your new camera arrives ! You must be so excited ! Things really moving on a pace !
30 Jul, 2009
I know! Ali was laughing just now. She in bed and I been sleeping in spare room - or quarantine to me and you! - so I check on her before she goes off to sleep....aah, bless me! lol!
Anyway, she said exactly the same as you...yes I am excited as I will hopefully be able to share similar quality pics as yours, with you as well. I love the birds as they make it all come together.
Onwards ever onwards tho. I've got to be strong tomorrow, oops, that the time? and not spend too much time with my new toy. The pond is calling and the plants will need planting.
Any ideas to keep the slugs off the Hostas by the pond? I was thinking of keeping it in a pot with my magic copper tape around it until it was more established. What you think BB?
30 Jul, 2009
great blog,oddbillie
30 Jul, 2009
Sounds like you had a lovely day enjoying the fair weather. Great blog. I'm looking forward to seeing the progress of your pond. :o)
31 Jul, 2009
Great bird pics old mum has a spotted woodpecker that regularly comes to her feeder outside her living room window & she thinks it's quite normal now! I'm always transfixed when I see it there! They are so beautiful.
The scuttle looks lovely as a plant pot...I love homely things in the garden. Look forward to seeing the pond develop!
31 Jul, 2009
Thanks Fluff. They most certainly are a spectacular sight and I am waiting now for my next eyeball on the little fellow! Hopefully get a pic as well :0)
I have Greenthumb to thank for the scuttle as I looked through some of his pics a few nights ago and it inspired me to find something 'different' to plant in. I hope it has the desired effect. As for the pond...well, I'm about to start a blog shortly with a confession to make.....
31 Jul, 2009
Oops, clicked on submit before I had chance to thank Suey & Gilli as well for thei kind comments.
Thanks both! :-)
31 Jul, 2009
Regarding your hostas....good idea to keep them in pots initially.Then eventually,hopefully the toads and even the odd hedgehog may take up residence and help with the slug population.!
1 Aug, 2009
Great blog, great pics again, OB. Glad Ali well enough to get out of the house for a wee while. Hope she goes from strength to strength.
Marie x
2 Aug, 2009
Thanks MP. She feeling miles better but obviously it's quite a demanding job anyway as she deals with elderly folk with dementia so very stressful.
She was in bed early tonight but she soon get back in to it.
Thanks for your kind comments :0))
2 Aug, 2009
You're welcome. Yes her job is a toughie, used to do it myself! I'm still in care, but it's learning disabilities now, still stressful (I'm off work with stress right now) but not quite as hard.
Tell her to take it at easy as she can!
2 Aug, 2009
I don't need to tell her .....Lol!
No, just kidding. We do try to relax when possible and just enjoy what we do.
Right now, I'm hooked on GoY and my garden....:0))~
2 Aug, 2009
Yep! I stumbled on GoY just by chance, & it's just so addictive! My garden is in it's infancy but I'll get there! Might go for raised beds for my veggies, they look really good!
2 Aug, 2009
Thanks! It's only thin planks from wickes cut to fit and then made stakes from some 2 x 1! pieces and screwed them along the inside to secure the planks together and also to serve as a stabiliser when on the ground - they obviously push in to the ground.
Wish now I had used thicker planks but these should see us right for a couple of years or so.
The raised bit just saves bending so far and 'neatens' the whole thing up a bit. Never thought I could do it as I've never been a DIY person as such but will give it a go. I must admit, I was quite chuffed with the end result.
They've done the trick as well so that's good. Also made the long tub for the runner beans, agains the GH.
2 Aug, 2009
That sounds "do-able". I'm quite into DIY so I'll have a thunk! I have a dodgy back, so they would be a good idea from that standpoint too. Thanks! :~))
2 Aug, 2009
You're welcome. I'm looking to make ours higher at some point - maybe another plank on top all round. Deeper for pots and carrots etc and even less to bend!
Why don't you try smaller boxes as it were for starters. Maybe make a couple and see how they look then go from there.
It's part of the fun, doing it yourself and what's the worst?
Give it a go and share the results with us - you can do it!
2 Aug, 2009
As soon as I can afford the wood, I will. At the moment I don't have my veggies in (apart from a pot of tatties) so this would be a good time to do it. I'm working on ideas for a themed garden (with help on plants from another GoYer) so I'll need to design something in keeping. Will let you know what I come up with!
2 Aug, 2009
Look forward to seeing the results MP.
Our area behind the GH was going to be a Japanese themed area up until just over a week ago and then we stumbled across a frog by the compost area and......well, the rest is the making, that is! The pond is in and the idea was gone.
I read in one of Bulbaholic's blogs that he's been working on his garden for 20 years and it's still not finished!!
I don't think you ever could 'finish' a garden though as it's an ever-evolving, personal masterpiece, if you ask me!
3 Aug, 2009
I agree! I was asked the other night "how much gardening can one person do?" because I'm still at it. No answer to that really ,is there?
I couldn,t go for a zen garden (or japanese), too minimalist & disciplined......I'm neither & I dont do tidy!
It will be a buddhist garden tho!
3 Aug, 2009
cool! We originally went with the Zen idea as we thought it might be nice to have that type of look but the frog swayed it and seeing as how we sort of wanted a cottagey feel with the veggie area and woodland border on the other side of the garden - still to start over there!, this goes more in sync with the rest of it.
Ali wants a nice seat of some description just inside this area to sit and watch the wildlife. I'm thinking maybe 2 stumps with wooden top....
3 Aug, 2009
Are you saying yours will be a buddhist garden?
If so, what does that consist of? I'm intrigued.....
3 Aug, 2009
Well, we're still in the process of putting together the concept, but it will be kind of a mix of scottish & himalayan plants. I have several Buddhas scattered about. David is helping me with the plants & stuff,& I'll work on the scaping.i started with the cottage garden idea too, til David told me mine reminded of a garden he'd seen, & the idea is taking legs! Have a look at his pics, & look at one called "What happens when the light goes" & you'll see our ruminations! I'll start a blog on it when I get a bit more settled on what I'm doing!
I like your idea for the seat!
3 Aug, 2009
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18 Jul, 2009
You lucky person,sunshine and a shopping spree,pleased Ali is well enough to go out even was only for the drive bet she felt tons better afterwards,good luck with your pond and thanks for sharing your day,the photo`s are lovely especially the birds..........
30 Jul, 2009