Why do we do it?
By ojibway93
It’s the Equinox and yes, here are the gales to go with it. I know that for my garden in this cold highland corner it will be downhill from here on in and it will soon be getting the full winter treatment of wind, frost and snow before it emerges blackened and battered sometime in spring.
But, the bulbs are all in bed and the garden will soon get a good coat of mulch and I will hope it will all come to life again.
Why do we do it?
This is not an entirely frivolous question. What is it about gardening that keeps us hoping to triumph over experience? Goodness knows I have had my share of failures and my gardening mantra seems to have become ‘Maybe next year…..’ but I keep on and have the odd success now and again. Is that why we do
I would be interested to hear your views on this question, so can you telle why YOU do it!
21 Sep, 2011
Previous post: Survival of the fittest
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I think its the creative bit ~ never knowing exactly what will happen, watching things emerge and blending shapes and colours. Most of all being able to look at something green and restful.
oh yes and i like hearing the birds singing at the same time.
21 Sep, 2011
Yes that too Sticki..
21 Sep, 2011
I just garden because I like to, it is my way of relaxing.
21 Sep, 2011
I am never more content than when I am pottering in the garden and I can relate to all these responses. Trying to create a peaceful and pleasing space has taught me so much over the years, especially to be patient (which does not come naturally!) And the garden brings me the bonus of birds, butterflies and bees to enjoy up close.
I'm so glad others feel the same.
21 Sep, 2011
Always loved wildlife of any sort - can't imagine why I allowed my working life to keep me in offices instead of looking for employment with outside interests! Now retired, it's MY time and I can be outside watching and -hopefully helping - things grow. Love the hard work that goes with it, then the peace in the evening when - after a shower and with glass of vino in hand - I can sit on the balcony watching the sky change, the birds calling in for their evening bath, the Hummingbord Hawkmoth checking over the flowers, the Dragonfly scooping up any tardy insects, and just appreciate the sights, scents and sounds of something I have helped to create. My little Paradise.
22 Sep, 2011
stress relief in its best form for me. Love nature and especially plants.
22 Sep, 2011
I do it because I'm mad :o)
22 Sep, 2011
Also I like taking photos in the garden, particularly individual flowers.
22 Sep, 2011
Hi Oji....I was pondering this very question today as I walked in a country park near here. I honestly don't think I would do much gardening if I lived in amongst trees and nature. For me, gardening is an attempt to bring nature in to my 'patch'. I suppose that's why I plant so many trees, even in my tiny plot. I love to have all year around colour, but nothing in my garden gives me as much joy as the sight of bright green moss and blue/grey lichen in a pile of rusty leaves under a proper tree in the winter sunshine...especially if there are birds in the tree as well! :)) Just added you to my faves, it's good to have another East of Scotland gardener to compare notes with!
9 Oct, 2011
Recent posts by ojibway93
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Its my way of putting something back and I enjoy it, gives me an outlet away from the cares that come with everyday living, bit like replacing the time I used to tend my family when they were little and needed me to do things for them and help them grow.
I plant my babes, tend them and in time they reward me, sometimes go astray but with a bit of attention they`re hopefully soon back on track and I can admire and cherish them.
Mother Nature interferes sometimes and throws a spanner in the works, hasn`t beaten me yet, in fact a lot of the time it just makes me more determined...
21 Sep, 2011