Another bit of grass bites the dust.
By oliveoil
Todays project, well it was started yesterday, marked it out and left the digging and planting up until today.
Another nice day for being out and about in the garden, not quite as sunny as yesterday, but we gardeners cannot have everything, even though we do try.
I had some Heucheras already, they have been in hanging baskets for a couple of years now and so I thought it was time they got planted into the ground. My excuse for digging out another piece of turf. lol.
Here are the finished pictures now it is lunch time and cuppa tea time.
Hope everyone is managing to make it out into their own little patches of garden and enjoying themselves as much as I have been able to.
Enjoy the springtime and gardens everyone :O))
10 Mar, 2014
Previous post: What a difference in weather we have had!
Next post: It is so good to be back home but oh boy did we have a great time.
lol I know, but I leave it for pathways, I like to be able to walk on grass, I only put the flags in to help keep it clean, it is so wet when it has rained and if you walk on it too much it just turns to sludge. That is the reason the flags were put in up the middle pathway, it was like a ploughed field one year. Think though now it has been closed off with the arbour seat it is nowhere near as muddy.
10 Mar, 2014
You know when you look at a patterned carpet with borders around blocks of pattern? Your beautiful beds remind me of that.......
10 Mar, 2014
thank you Pamg, pleased you like it. :O)
10 Mar, 2014
Oh I do like that Olive, it makes it so much more interesting and those heucheras look great. Like you I`ve done a bit of revamping and enjoyed the last few days of sunshine and then I saw Homebirds blog of the snow last March, so its fingers crossed.
10 Mar, 2014
Your Heucheras look so healthy Olive.
10 Mar, 2014
Great job, really like it....:)))
10 Mar, 2014
Thank you everyone. :O)
10 Mar, 2014
That's looking great Olive. I love your Bicycle I wanted one like it for my Sedum bed, but as it's in my front garden it would probably be stolen by our many passing 'Scrap dealers' I made do with my half-barrel.
10 Mar, 2014
I know exactly what you mean Waddy. When I bought this one we all said it will probably get picked up for scrap but it is still with me. I saw a bigger one the other day nearly full size bicycle, but it was far too expensive for me - £179. ouch
10 Mar, 2014
That does look good, you have been busy, rather like your bicycle!! So wonderful to have so many dry sunny days.
10 Mar, 2014
Thank you Dd :O)
11 Mar, 2014
Hi Barbara
Your garden looks very nice. Love the bike.
How are your Caistor plants , mine are just poking through. It's great to be out in the garden again.
I am just trying to think where I'm going to plant my new clematis. The other half is making me 2 obelisks for some of them. Will post pictures later!
Love Marjorie
11 Mar, 2014
Hey - how come my Heucheras don't look as perky as yours? Secret ingredient you care to share ... lol!
11 Mar, 2014
Hello Marjories - crocosmia are just pushing up through the soil. Yes it is great to be out and about in the garden, the weather has been great here. Bit cold though this morning, just had a coffee and a wander around before I peg out the washing. Think I might be wasting my time though as it is very cloudy, it will freshen it up and take some of the wet out I suppose. Which Clematis have you got to put with the obelisks. Look forward to seeing the pictures on here of them.
Shirley, these Heucheras have been in hanging baskets and I thought they looked a little cramped so just had to have somewhere to plonk them. Still got two baskets with more in and will have to take up some more grass soon. lol. What a pity!!!!! I think not lol
12 Mar, 2014
Barbara - you have given me an idea now - two wall baskets on the front of the house need filling and I have half a dozen small Heucheras waiting for a home ... :o)
13 Mar, 2014
I used John Innes No 3 compost to put them in Shirley, and they have been in there for a couple of years now. They were ok so should be in your wall baskets. They will look nice in wall baskets. Post pictures please :O)
13 Mar, 2014
Will do ... we have a horrible mist today ... came down last night and is still here :o(
14 Mar, 2014
took a while to warm up here but not a cloud in the sky now, sunny and a light breeze, just perfect. :O) Sending some your way. :O)
14 Mar, 2014
Thanks Barbara - I went to a lovely park with d-in-law and granddaughter this afternoon - bloomin' chilly though ... :o(
14 Mar, 2014
Changed here after I tried to send you some sunshine, clouded over and was quite cold in the wind.
14 Mar, 2014
Grey again here Barbara ... with the promise of a sunny afternoon ... :o)
18 Mar, 2014
Recent posts by oliveoil
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I have! Just come in for some lunch. This looks good, I'm surprised that there is still that much grass there to be honest! It's a pain isn't it. I've just been re-shaping the patio border and that involved lifting some, and laying some back down! It's tiring, but worth it. This is the area that is going to be scent and herbs. I've just planted 12 little lavenders which smelled lovely in the sunshine.
10 Mar, 2014