What a difference in weather we have had!
By oliveoil
Over the last few winters we have had terrific scenes of white snow and ice.
This year it has been horrendously wet for most of the British Isles. Unfortunately some people getting more than they had bargained for. If you are under water, my best wishes go out to you for a speedy drying out. I am pleased to say we are not affected by the very wet conditions apart from a few puddles here and there. The weather has been good so far this winter, no snow and very little ice to speak of.
The first two pictures were taken last winter when we were very cold and snowed in for a few days until our kind neighbour (who lives the other side of the 80 acre wood) rescued us with his tractor and digger.
We have been so lucky, only one tree down, which was a dead tree anyway. So lots of lovely logs to throw on the fire to help keep us warm.
This is the scene in the garden today:-
It has been very mild if damp, all going to help with the garden work, the big tidy up is nearly complete. At long last I have managed to get out into the garden, albeit coughing and wheezing with a stupid chesty cold. The bulbs are poking through, hopefully we shall not get a late snow shower, snowdrops and daffodils are emerging. Primroses and Skimmia are flowering and the colours are good to see everywhere in the borders. Even a rose is trying to flower, amazing for the time of year.
When I was sweeping the leaves off the grass and back onto the borders this morning I was counting my blessings as I went along. I am so lucky to live on top a hill and a good way away from the rivers edge. I hope your gardens are not under water and that you are managing to get out and about if only for a few minutes -it all helps stave off the winter blues.
Now come on weather pick up and help those poor souls flooded out get back to some sort of normality, here’s to a better spring and some lovely sunshine in the coming months. Happy Gardening people :O)
10 Jan, 2014
Previous post: Happy Christmas to all my friends on GoY XXXXX
Next post: Another bit of grass bites the dust.
I was thinking exactly the same, was going to put some pictures to compare too....your garden is so tidy Barbara, so much going on in there as well..:)))))
10 Jan, 2014
Your garden looks lovely! It is amazing to think how relatively few miles separate those who have had the most horrendous storms from those of us who have been lucky enough to experience a mild and comparatively calm winter so far. We have had a few strong winds, but generally we have got off very lightly. Long may it last!
10 Jan, 2014
Thank you Waddy, Michaella and Melchi, yes I count myself very lucky to live where I do. Thank you for your lovely comments :O)
10 Jan, 2014
what a difference...your garden is looking lovely. I am so grateful to live up on a hillside too..:-)
10 Jan, 2014
It's ever so tidy - well done on getting the tidy up done.
Many have suffered this winter and my heart truly goes out to one and all. The images are heartbreaking.
10 Jan, 2014
Lovely to see your garden without a covering of snow, it all looks splendid and neat and tidy.
It has been very wet down in the West Country but surprisingly mild too. A visit to the coast shows the power of all the wind and rain that we have had and certainly makes you stop and think.
10 Jan, 2014
your garden is looking lovely and what a difference a year can make. I'm glad you haven't been affected by the floods. I live on a hill as well so count myself very lucky. I hope there is a quick end to the flooding and that everyone who has been affected by the floods can return to normality as soon as possible. I don't know how'd I cope in their position.
10 Jan, 2014
Your garden ALWAYS looks good, Barbara ! We are so lucky in Lincolnshire as we miss out of the worst of any weather and I too sympathise with all the other poor people who have been flooded. I really don't know how they cope ! My thoughts are with any of you that has been affected. I hope the worst is now over ! xx
10 Jan, 2014
Your snow pictures are beautiful. We hardly ever get any here and if we do it usually only lasts a day or two. Your garden paths look so inviting and the trees as the bottom make a wonderful backdrop don't they?
10 Jan, 2014
Roll on July...let's have some snow! Lol.
11 Jan, 2014
There's only you that could say that, Mouldy and get away with it ! Hahaa!
11 Jan, 2014
lol Mouldy, you little stirrer you lol. Thank you everyone for looking in. It is a beautiful day today, sun is shining and it is very very mild. Cannot think that we shall be getting any snow now. Well thats the kiss of death eh! HOW, WHY did I say that. lol. Oh well at least the borders are nearly all finished now, the ones with all the bulbs in have been done first so that I can see them as they flower. Got one more done this morning and still got a couple more to clear out before the spring. Hoping for some more weather like today. Hope if you are flooded out that you will see an end to the wet soon. I too cannot imagine how I would cope with it all. x B
11 Jan, 2014
Every heard of famous last words Olivoil?? That fierce spell we had a couple of years ago when it went down to -10 was in March if I remember right...
Its being so cheerful that keeps us going.
11 Jan, 2014
11 Jan, 2014
I know Stera, as soon as I wrote it I thought I bet you regret that, but eh ho if it snows it snows. lol. I do remember that very cold winter but on one evening it dropped to minus 18/19 here in parts of Lincolnshire that year. We have not had a winter as cold since that one though. We did get snow over the next two winters but none at all this year and no ice to talk about, it has been so mild here. I am still hoping it doesn't snow, it would be a shame to lose the lovely colour at the minute out there.
Petert, I know it is bad in some places and your side of the country seems to have been hit fairly hard. We are fairly sheltered here by an 80 acre wood but I cannot remember a winter as mild as the one we are having. Sunny today with a light wind but beautiful out in the garden, hope it picks up soon for you, thanks for looking in. :O)
11 Jan, 2014
it really does look so full of life Mum! I agree wholeheartedly with you about your situation, and we are the same of course, and even better now, as the fields behind us run downhill, taking the excess water to the Burn which comes out in to the sea in Scott's golf course in Carnoustie...which is a lovely thing. hey, I could start popping his mid-round sandwich in there and it would arrive with him on the 9th hole! Lol! A sort of giant game of 'Pooh sticks'! Great blog.....let's hope the snow stays away!
11 Jan, 2014
That conjures up a wonderful picture, Karen! Lol!
11 Jan, 2014
it's great Melchi....he goes there every Sunday and I run riot while he's away, getting up to all sorts of projects. Then he comes home to yet another 15 or 20 bags of rubbish for the recycling centre and pulls his face at me...but he'll never be able to stop me...he loves his golf too much! Lol! :)
11 Jan, 2014
look well if he turns that front grass into a pitch and putt. lol. Then what would you do. lol.
11 Jan, 2014
Not a chance...no way hose!
11 Jan, 2014
11 Jan, 2014
Your i.pad again Karen! lol :O) Kevin used to have a pitch and putt on their grass with a net to catch the balls, think that was relegated to the bin when he wasn't looking. lol. He loves his golf too.
12 Jan, 2014
It is mild isn't it? I was in the garden too today. I was removing dead leaves from ferns. Some are evergreen. It was just nice to be out in the garden.
12 Jan, 2014
13 Jan, 2014
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It's hard to believe isn't it Olive? Such vast differences in only a year. I'm not sure I believe all this 'Global Warming' malarkey, if we look back in history, there have always been times when the weather was strange, one way or another. I honestly think it's the way the earth evolves. If we didn't have these changes, we'd still have dinosaurs and Britain would be attached to Europe.
Your garden is looking really well. It's obvious you've been busy. Fingers crossed the weather doesn't deteriorate too much in the coming weeks, but some dry weather would be a nice change...for all of us.
Hope you're fully recovered and fighting fit very soon. There seems to be a lot of it about, another symptom of the mild wet weather no doubt.
10 Jan, 2014