I bet you thought you had got rid of me right!! wrong, I have been car less computer less, and very very fed up. had a resonable christmas, just got over mini flu. looked at the garden and thought how the hell did it look so pretty last, year what have I lost, loads!! dying to get going again!! love to all and look forward to lots more chats from all my friends. x
10 Jan, 2011
Previous post: Hello
Next post: lovely website
Welcome back Patricia, you are not alone, I think most of us are longing for those sunny days to get outdoors without freezing our socks off......
10 Jan, 2011
Nice to see you back. Sorry to hear you had flue. I hope you're feeling better.
11 Jan, 2011
Hi Patricia, sounds like your sap is rising !!! It's always an uncertain time of year isn't it, wondering what has succumbed to the winter cold and what has survived? I know I have one or two plants that have become mushy blobs, but I'm hoping they are ok below the soil. Fingers' crossed mate :-)
11 Jan, 2011
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10 Jan, 2011