My new neighbour from hell
By pb123
Oh dear.
Cottage next door to my garden has recently been sold. Met the new owner and invited her in for friendly chat etc. She’s going to do holiday lets and asked if she could rent our car parking space as she has none. We said ‘no thanks’ and thought that would be the end of it.
She’s having work done at the back of the cottage and only has a narrow side entrance, whereas we have taken down our front fence to get access to the landscaping work we’ve been getting done.
So, every time we go to our cottage she has workmen parking on our land. Sometimes there are piles of rubble and bags of sand there too. We’ve been sending her increasingly concerned messages, but it’s not stopping.
This week we discovered her workman had come right across our garden and removed a fence panel to install a hot tub in her garden. It is her fence but he had to remove our trellis and the clematis on it, + dig up and move a erysimum, + there’s damage to other plants + some broken paving slabs. I wouldn’t mind so much but she didn’t even ask.
We’ve had the cottage 2 years and have never had any trouble before.
Our own work is now finally finished – well, phase 1 of it, and I’m so pleased and excited with my new garden, but we feel we can’t just relax and enjoy it. We take friends for a day at the seaside and can’t park our own car.
We’re going to have to do something to rope off the frontage. Grrrrr.
3 Aug, 2018
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I'm afraid you have fight fire with fire. Send her a bill for the damage.
3 Aug, 2018
I hope things improve for you. Having selfish, bully neighbours can ruin your life, your health, your happiness. Make sure you have plenty of photo evidence (with dates) of damaged fencing, trellis, plants etc. Good luck with sorting this out.
4 Aug, 2018
Try not to let this escalate as it could end up costing you money. Because of her narrow side entrance she may have access to maintain her property through yours you need to check this and act accordingly.
Put the front fence back up, take photos and inform the owner any further trespass or damage will not be tolerated without a request from her directly.
4 Aug, 2018
Is this your main house or a holiday cottage? If you are quite sure the parking space is solely yours would a Private Parking notice be possible?
4 Aug, 2018
The new tenant in the downstairs flat from me seems to think wheelie bins have to be outside the kitchen door to feed in the bits by opening the door ! I have complained to the new Council Neighbourhood Manager, waiting for him to return from hols. Have suggested to the friendly bod on the other side that someone has to tell New Neighbour she has to put the bits in a box, then take the box out to tip them in the wheelie bin. Is this the result of modern education ?
Pressing buttons on machines to do arithmetic ?
I have explainted to her I need access to the steps that lead up to my greenhouse/garden. Get angry when her wheelie bins are parked across my access, and shove them over so they block the access to her back door !
I am carting gallon containers of water up the steps daily to save my plants in tubs. Hope New Manager appears soon to explain to her in words of one syllable how we manage our rubbish !
4 Aug, 2018
I agree with TT,and hope you get it sorted soon,Good luck and best wishes.
4 Aug, 2018
Horrendous, cheeky and ignorant.
4 Aug, 2018
Thanks for all the sympathy. The land is definitely ours and she has no right of access. However we would, of COURSE have willingly granted her access if she'd only asked. But we do want to be able to park on our own land when we want to. Yes Stera, we could put up a sign, which might stop the holiday makers one they start to come - but it wouldn't stop the neighbour! Only a physical barrier will do, - but we should be able to choose to have our garden open fronted if we want to.
5 Aug, 2018
You really need a copy of the Deeds of both properties from the Land Registration Office at your local council.
Her cottage must have access for Emergency Sevices.
This needs sorting out properly.
5 Aug, 2018
Seems like most of the transgressions are done by her 'workmen' and not by her outright. Consider that she's unaware of the transgressions (maybe she is but doesn't care). She offered to pay rent so such callous acts of disregard for your property rights seems weird.
Tell her that her workmen are trampling & damaging your property and you expect Remuneration otherwise you will seek relief through legal counsel. Also include the construction company on the court summons. Take plenty of photos to be presented in court.
5 Aug, 2018
We have no intention of taking legal action and are not bothered about financial recompense. We just want our garden back!
6 Aug, 2018
well, you'll need to be more affirmative.
6 Aug, 2018
Believe me we have! On Wednesday she knocked on the door asking to remove a fence panel to deliver a sofa, - so it seems that the penny has finally dropped. Of course she didn't have much choice as we were there. No doubt if we hadn't been she'd have just gone ahead. The building materials have finally gone and she's told us "This should be the last thing".
What she doesn't realise is that all this has been possible for her only because of the work we're having done on our plot. By the time we've finished planting, her 'access' across our land will be impossible - as it was before we started.
10 Aug, 2018
Well lets hope she respects the planting now she's got used to using the "access." Have just remembered a fountain I once saw that was triggered by people passing through a beam and wetting them. It was just for fun where it was (the kids loved it! and this kid got wet...)but it would be great in your situation!
10 Aug, 2018
I still don't know what this blog is about. Your neighbor walked on your property and you did nothing about it and now she uses the gate? Would you seriously consider spraying the neighbor with the garden hose? I don't believe that, especially since the sky didn't fall. It's OK, just let it go!
11 Aug, 2018
Pb - I hope you realised the fountain story was meant to raise a smile, not to be taken seriously. Not everybody shares my warped sense of humour...
11 Aug, 2018
Yes, I understood, but I don't think Bathgate did!
12 Aug, 2018
I thought you were seeking's all a big joke now! I didn't see it coming, sorry!
12 Aug, 2018
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Oh blast. I hate when this kind of thing happens to Goyers! I hope it will all be over soon.
3 Aug, 2018