By pepperpot
HELP!!!!! Something is diging up my bulbs, seedlings, and new plants,in fact anything that i have planted in the last few weeks. I have never never, had anything like this before happen, even the plants in pots and vegs in tubs, I’ve now covered the pots and tubs with garden fleece, hoping when the plants are bigger they will not get touched, we have seen squirls, magpies, crows, in the garden, i have even put pebbles on top of some pots, and they even seem to be moved, please do anyone have any answers.
15 Apr, 2009
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How much mess are they making ? Could be anything between a mouse and a badger ! I'm sure someone will have deterrants they have used-possibly chicken wire over bulbs for squirrels. If it is birds,do you have any open soil you can dig over for them to get at grubs and worms,they may be just going for your pots as the compost is fresh and not compacted as soil is over winter. You may have to lie in wait or get up very early to catch the culprits ;0)
15 Apr, 2009
If this is happening during the daytime then I would say it is birds, possibly blackbirds. If it happening during the night then it would animals - mice to bagers as suggested. Squirrels are a possibility, day or night.
15 Apr, 2009
Thankyou mookins,Aster and bulbaholic (like that name by the way), It seems to be happen at quite times in the garden, in evening and day, also we have lots of freshly turned soil, but they still like the pots, the pots look really unsightly all covered in fleece, but do you think when the plants are bigger, they mite be save without the fleece?
16 Apr, 2009
I don't think that there is much more we can suggest, Pepperpot, until you can find out what it is that is causing the problem. Go out at night with a torch?
16 Apr, 2009
I shall do that, ill let you know if i see anything, hope its not anything big lol xx
16 Apr, 2009
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that could be a relation to the cheeky chap that nibbled my broad bean seeds. Pulled them right out of the little whole it was put in, no mess just a clean whole (and a few nibbled crumbs!!
also nibbled the first shoots off my sunflowers
("ssshhhh" whispers mookins "a mouse"!!)
squirrels are clever very clever!!
x x x
15 Apr, 2009