By Sid

1 Apr, 2008
This is how I caught enough rainwater to (nearly) fill my pond - who says girls can't be inventive, eh?! Birtie is there, wondering what on earth I'm up to this time...?!
Comments on this photo
who said girls cant be inventive
men i figure lol
im not down with that rubbish
men are obviously generaly stronger than women
woman for some reasen can do some jobs
men dont seam to do very well
like dusting
that works bothe ways
i realy dont think theres that much differance myself
men are horrible things
i know i am one lol take care bye for now
10 Feb, 2009
I'm c**p at dusting! LOL x-D
11 Feb, 2009
me to i realy try to be clean but it needs cleaning after ive done lol
11 Feb, 2009
Me too.....I think dusting is just moving the dirt around ;-)
12 Feb, 2009
and its 90% human skin lol
12 Feb, 2009
Ewwwwww...... :-P
12 Feb, 2009
i know lovley hay and in your average matress theres about 2`000`000 bed bugs wating for this skin.we even have eyelash mites lol
12 Feb, 2009
Hmmmmm....I heard that a third of the weight of your pillow is dead dust mites.....yuk. I bought a new pillow when i heard that!
13 Feb, 2009
no point doing that your better of trying to forget them as they are soon back im afraid lol .look on the bright side imagine how much dust would be in ya bed if they didnt eat it lol
13 Feb, 2009
Tonight I will be convinced I can hear them munching - I'll never get to sleep!
munch-munch-munch.... LOL
13 Feb, 2009
ow youl be allright munch,slobber and dribble lol did i just say that lol
13 Feb, 2009
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Gardening with friends since
22 Feb, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
12 Mar, 2008
Well done Sid ! Any way ya can get it, right?! I have water catchers all around my house........30 gallons here, 300 gallons over there and a huge underground cistern, all hooked up to rain gutters. We live soley on rainwater in the house too. So when we have a drought, like the past 2 summers, it really hurts.
2 Apr, 2008