My Balloon flower
By Ian_digs_v2

24 Jul, 2009
Just thought I would upload this for lily2 to see.
Comments on this photo
Ok Ian, NOW you are just showing off! What with this beauty and the lovely lupin I can see why you have been seduced over to the other side :~)) Just sneaked back for a second look and noticed all those lovely buds too.
25 Jul, 2009
Now now children!! I'm only jealous Ian cos I thought my balloon flower was the best, but I can see that I have competition!
25 Jul, 2009
Well Jan, you have to let these men think theirs is the biggest and best don't you?......oops, just re read it, didn't mean THAT!!!
25 Jul, 2009
Humm Hmmmmm, Ladies if you can't stand the heat and all that ..........
Lily .... really, tut tut.
(Please read this as VERY tongue in cheek ) :~)))
25 Jul, 2009
I really don't know what you are talking about Lily ... snigger. Actually Ian I'd have no problem getting out of the kitchen! Show me the door and I'm out of there! (Admittedly I wasn't even IN there today as hubby cooked delicious beef casserole again while I entertained myself in the garden!)
25 Jul, 2009
Yep kitchen is my least favourite room of the house too. What I shame I'm not married to such a paragon as you Jan - but please stop rubbing it in!! What are you like in the kitchen Ian?
25 Jul, 2009
about 6' 5" and totally gorgeous, same as I am in any other room. Boom Boom.
I'm the only person I know who can burn water .... LOL
25 Jul, 2009
Sorry Lily - have just told him he's a paragon but he doesn't know what it means so I've told him it means he has to up his game a bit. Wonder how long I can get away with that?
25 Jul, 2009
Ian you should change your name to Basil. Fawlty I mean. Boom Boom.
25 Jul, 2009
You are so greedy Jan, but if you can get away with it........(just hide the dictionary!)
25 Jul, 2009
Lovely colour!
I am not always a kitchen person either, but also have a man who likes having a go at cooking! So we share.
He's totally awesome too Ian but only 6'4" !! :o)
25 Jul, 2009
Its not the size that counts but what you do with it. :~))
and before you start Lily, I didn't mean that either Lol
25 Jul, 2009
As it's Sunday I shall ignore the rude stuff and just say I don't doubt the gorgeous bit Ian but are you really 6'5" tall?
26 Jul, 2009
These are lovey arnt they Ian.... i have them in white.........
26 Jul, 2009
Hi Holly, I bet they are lovely have you posted a photo?
Lily, I used to be but since I've been ill I seem to have shrunk :~((
26 Jul, 2009
Ian! You have FLOWERS in your garden! Hooray! :-)
27 Jul, 2009
Is nt it so pretty and the colour is wonderful too but I can see you will be a little garden gnome with a little fork and spade if you keep shrinking, which comes with age, but dont worry you will be closer the ground to put all those bulbs in.saves on your back.
31 Jul, 2009
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Gorgeous colour!!
24 Jul, 2009