By Newfienurse

30 Jul, 2009
Not sure what kind, but it sure was fuzzy!
Comments on this photo
What a Pretty Hairy Caterpillair Newf :)
30 Jul, 2009
Great close up Newfie...
30 Jul, 2009
Nice pic Newfie. I think that this is the caterpillar of the Vapourer Moth. They feed on many deciduous trees and can be a serious pest.
30 Jul, 2009
Thanks, guys.
Toto, as I took this off my sunflower, I considered squishing it but I heard you saying, "too bad..that would have probably turned into a beautiful butterfly or moth..." so I let it live and just put it on my patio to scurry off......
Next time I will be following my instincts. lol. I haven't seen it before so hopefully it won't be problematic.
31 Jul, 2009
There has to be more than one to cause a problem. Please don't squish things unless you know for sure that they are a serious pest. Everything has the right to life.
31 Jul, 2009
It is very neat. I will show it to my little guys.
1 Aug, 2009
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I think these were the kind that we called Hairy Mary! when we were children.
30 Jul, 2009