Stargazers didn't make it...but these little lovelies did!
By Lori
- 3 Aug, 2009
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Hi Sid! nice to hear from you again... they are unwanted thugs! lol...not really,,, I planted seed from my Ligularia, (gregynog) and the seeds didn't come true to the parent plant...they have lovely large leaves but the undersides are white rather than red...they spread underground by rhizomes...and they pop up everywhere! I've been yanking them out all summer so far... they have a bit of an upper hand because I've done so little in the garden this summer...
4 Aug, 2009
Hmmm - well that's interesting Lori, in that I haven't planted any Ligularia! The leaves look exactly like these tho - think I'll have to leave them until either they become a nuisance of a find out what they are!
I've had a lot of work on recently so haven't been around GoY much except just dipping in here and there....I'm missing so much! Never mind, I'll catch up in the winter I expect, when the garden is sleeping. Hope you're well :-)
6 Aug, 2009
The seed of the lig...may have come from a neighbour's garden as they are fluffy little parachutes and ride the slightest breeze for miles!!! If you are near a canal or river they may have come from the wild...otherwise, I'd blame a bird or a mouse.
6 Aug, 2009
We're not far from a river here Lori - if it's a wild one, is it worth keeping would you say? Or should I get rid?
10 Aug, 2009
If you don't mind being invaded...I guess you could keep it...but don't let it take over the radio station or you'll have a coup on your hands!!! I'd get rid of the wild one and find a nice domesticated Lig...Good Luck! I have Gregynog gold...and Lig. przewalskii....the GG has large daisy like flowers in August...and the seed heads which are quite decorative if sprayed with fixative...but if the seeds get loose in your garden....look out! the Przewalskii has lovely leaves, deeply lobed and almost black stems and undersides of leaves... the flowers are small and arranged on a delphs...a brilliant yellow. when they are happy (moist soil) they can grow truly HUGE! Another yellow flower that I've fallen for this year is verbascum chaixii "sixteen candles" pretty yellow...interesting flowers on tall wands. I have a pic of the flowers close up...It's a beauty..check it out!
10 Aug, 2009
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Lovely lillies Lori...but my eye has been caught by the big leaves bottom right of the pic...I've just noticed some leaves like those in my garden and I'm wondering what on earth they are?! Any ideas?
3 Aug, 2009