Another Bullfrog Pic

11 Aug, 2009
Here is another bullfrog pic sitting in one of my ponds. I love to photograph them. They are so tame, I can pick them up and get close for pics. They have had a lot of mosquitoes to eat this summer with all the rain we've had!
Comments on this photo
Believe it or not, he is one of the smaller ones. Did you see my pics of King of Frogs? We grow them big in New York State! I just learned that if the spot to the right of the eye is larger than the eye the frog is a male, if it is the same or smaller, it is a female. The bubbles are actually raindrops, it had just stopped raining. We got about 7 inches in the last week. Our river is ready to spill the banks. (You can see a pic of the river behind our house on my pics too!)
Thanks for checking out my pics,.
11 Aug, 2009
Wow what a beauty ..everything seems to grow big in US must be all the space you have...
11 Aug, 2009
Wow, nice photo!
12 Aug, 2009
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Wow.....he looks a bruiser!.....are they bubbles in the water to the right of him, or is it a creature surfacing....Lol!
11 Aug, 2009