Photo for Spritzhenry
By Ian_digs_v2

19 Aug, 2009
You can see the Crocusmia in this photo, B.
Comments on this photo
Nice looking border you have now, Ian. Carol must be pleased with the outcome! :)
19 Aug, 2009
I should take another photo Balcony, its got a lot more in it now. I was just showing Spritzhenry a plant I think is a crocusmia?
19 Aug, 2009
Perhaps tomorrow before the promised rain & thunderstorms arrive then.
Did you have a scorcher of a day where you live? I had to water my baskets of Fuchsias twice to avoid them drying out. First time this year as well! I added some water retaining crystals for the first time ever this year when I planted the baskets up. Normally with one soaking a day they have sufficient to see them through the day.
19 Aug, 2009
It's coming on, Digger!
19 Aug, 2009
Sorry GoY's I fell asleep last night. |~() (snore)
I'm to late this morning Balcony.
Thanks Hatter. :~))
20 Aug, 2009
Sorry Balcony, I forgot to say it was glorious here yesterday but far to muggy last night. 21 degrees at midnight! ! !
20 Aug, 2009
Well, it's hard to tell, but the leaves are right - it looks like quite a large clump! You may well be able to split it next year! Do you know what their name is, or the colour?
We had our first (mainly) sunny day for ages yesterday, but back to grey skies and drizzle today, with harder rain threatening. :-(
20 Aug, 2009
Its all looking very nice Ian.........
20 Aug, 2009
border looking good ian, what weeds lol, well done
20 Aug, 2009
Border looking good Ian.
20 Aug, 2009
Thank you all. :~))
20 Aug, 2009
THAT is pretty cool looking!
21 Aug, 2009
It's certainly coming along Ian, we expect a progress report every week!
22 Aug, 2009
Oh Lily that won't take long, Lol :~))
22 Aug, 2009
The pharmacists next door haven't trialled any poisons on it yet then?
22 Aug, 2009
No Lily I've put a cctv camera up on the front now! ! !
22 Aug, 2009
Have you really??
22 Aug, 2009
I have and I made sure they knew I was doing it as well! ! ! Not just for the flowery things, it covers the car as well. :~))
22 Aug, 2009
You mean your car still has wheels Ian? lol
23 Aug, 2009
You're douing well! The last place I lived, if my dad came to see me, I had to go out to the car! He wouldn't even get out of it!!
23 Aug, 2009
We live in a really nice place. Its soooo quiet and peaceful and everyone speaks to you and stops to admire the garden, (and offer advice !?!). We just have one thorn and well I think you know what I mean. :~((
23 Aug, 2009
Where I am now is like that, lots of nice people, but a few too many "Do you really want to do that?" Merchants!!
It's so peaceful, & if I get fed up, I have the river!!
23 Aug, 2009
Sounds ideal Hatter, I don't mind the advice and they are soooo friendly. :~))
23 Aug, 2009
Advice i can happily take, but people telling me what I want to do/or not, gets my goat! Oh to be able to afford a higher fence!!
23 Aug, 2009
LMAO :~))
23 Aug, 2009
23 Aug, 2009
Pictures by ian_digs_v2
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Please ignore the weeds they have gone now! ! ! :~))
19 Aug, 2009