By Greenthumb
- 7 Apr, 2008
When it gets leggy, I just pull the long stem back into the pot and press to the soil, trying to form more of a bush. So far, it has worked well and will be easy to propagate in this way also.
Comments on this photo
I found it once, it is in that family. 4-5 inch stems for tiny purple violets in the classic shape. More commonly seen as a bush most places but alas, can't freeze to -40 F for 5 Thanks Lori, I'll look more into it today.
2 May, 2008
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This photo is of species streptocarpella.
This photo is of "Streptocarpella 'concord blue'" in Greenthumb's garden
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30 Jul, 2008
This may be a relative of an african violet...check out gesneriads..on google. It's a big family... includes achimenes, saintpaulia, episcia,(I think that's what your Monkey Flower is), streptocarpus and gloxinia. (and definitely more...getting old...memory not what it used to be! lol.)
2 May, 2008