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Phoebe in the sun


By Fluff

Phoebe in the sun

Comments on this photo


They know just where to be to get all the hotspots during the day .. :o)

30 Aug, 2009


Lovely photo Phoebe I think you have your eye on something lol lovely raised bed too

30 Aug, 2009


They're good at that Amy yes!
The bed is a machine tools box from a local lighting factory Morgana...I have 3 different ones. I always seem to take photos when the grass has grown up around things...I'm not known for my tidy garden!

30 Aug, 2009


great photo.

30 Aug, 2009


Lol Fluff one gardener on another site calls mine a jungle he he he he,

30 Aug, 2009


Thanks Suey.
I blame all the rain Morgana!

30 Aug, 2009


It s the light that makes the grass grow more it never needs cutting though winter and it rains think about it , I was told by a gardener on another site some years ago as I use to think the same as you the rain

30 Aug, 2009


Yes I suppose that makes sense tho' the water is surely necessary too & we've had more than our fair share this summer so I'm still blamong it!! ;0)

30 Aug, 2009


Cute pusscat :))

30 Aug, 2009


Thanks Louise ...& she knows it!

30 Aug, 2009


Awwww ! :)))

30 Aug, 2009


Lovely photo Fluff, always know the best place when the sun is out.

30 Aug, 2009


Thnaks Carol...they do know & also the shadiest places when it gets too hot!

30 Aug, 2009


Thats true.....

30 Aug, 2009


And in the winter Fluff, mine always have the seats nearest the radiators !!!

30 Aug, 2009


Edge of the sofa nearest the fire for Phoebe...Mosey doesn't do the heat & goes to a nearby hay barn or if he stays in on the spare bed if I don't stop him!

30 Aug, 2009


Hmmmm, no contest Fluff ....
Hay barn 0
Spare bed 10

31 Aug, 2009


You got it Louise!

31 Aug, 2009



31 Aug, 2009


Another brilliant photo. We used to have an identical cat years ago. She was 3rd hand - my step-father on marrying and moving in with my mother into a London flat was not allowed to keep her, so we adopted her. He had her from a sanctuary. He'd called her Tweety, I was so embarrassed calling her in a night, going "Tweedyweedyweetdyweedy". When she died the vet guessed she was 14.

7 Sep, 2009


That's a good age Mad...Phoebe is so small she still acts like a kitten so I hope she lives on & on.

7 Sep, 2009


Got to stop and smell the nasturtiums eh Phoebe?

27 Oct, 2009


Hmmmm & the overgrown lemon balm Pip!

27 Oct, 2009


super photo - Phoebe is like my old Lucy who lived until she was 21.

Now we also have a Phoebe - aged 10. I will take some pics of her one day. Trouble is she is so black, she doesnt show up well in photographs

3 Nov, 2009

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