Rowan berries
By Garden_fool
- 4 Sep, 2009
The picture says it all, great display this year.
Comments on this photo
Oh yes, particularly the Black birds, expecting them to tuck in quite soon.
4 Sep, 2009
My two big rowan trees were stripped by the end of August this year!! They say - that's a hard winter coming...aaaagh!
6 Sep, 2009
I did think they should have started already but they've obviously been over at yours.
By 'hard' we use to mean cold, frosts & snow, but now we just seem to get cold, very wet & windy. You still get the snows on your side though so perhapes your black birds will be heading this way, flying west for the (warmer?) winter lol.
6 Sep, 2009
Yes - you do have the advantage of the "warm" Atlantic ...ha !
I have to say that I have never seen my rowan trees get stripped so sooner were they just red..than they had GONE! I wonder if we didn't get a flock of fieldfares in - as they can certainly strip the trees in a day. Last winter was a real winter - with snow that lay and very low temps for weeks. But we are spoiled nowadays - I can remember having to walk along the dykes (walls) to get to school (OK 60 + years ago!) because the roads were blocked with snow - and no thought of school closures either! It will be interesting to see what happens this winter...some of these old wives' tales can often have a grain of truth in them but your berries look glorious.....ever make rowan wine?
6 Sep, 2009
Rowan wine? Now theres something to think about while its raining. Never knew they could be used for wine making.
Yes, as kids we used to plug on through come rain or shine, floods or drifts.....(and the exams are easier )
Just off to google Rowan wine!
6 Sep, 2009
Did you make any GF ??? :-))
11 Oct, 2009
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beautiful,i have always wanted a rowan tree,but got no room,do the bird like them garden fool.
4 Sep, 2009