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Black Magic...

Black Magic...

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Is this one edible as well JJ?

9 Sep, 2009


Yummy JJ....I think there is one of mine in my gallery that I took shortly after buying it. one of Ilustris as well,.

9 Sep, 2009


The black against the green looks SO striking Jen !! Is the black polo in the foreground metal ? Luvvverly ! ;-)))

9 Sep, 2009


Yes Indy you can eat it too, but if I catch you, you will be strung up by your toenails!
I just saw your gallery Alice, the illustris is beautiful, got yourself a bargain there dear. 8-))
Thanks Sue, the 'black polo' is a hammered metal heron type of polo, you don't get many in a packet! 8-)))

9 Sep, 2009


LOL !!! Boootiful ! :-))

9 Sep, 2009


Not got any toe nails, ha haa! benefits of a life spent in wet wellies!
I'm defo growin some of them next year!

10 Sep, 2009


Will you send some of their 'babbies' over to Brum for me please Indy ??? :-)
nb: over not down ! lol ; - )))

10 Sep, 2009


Me toe nails innt gonna have no babies Sue!

10 Sep, 2009


Uuurrrrggghhhh !!!!!! LMAO

10 Sep, 2009


lol bet his feet smell then,wellie fetish and no toe nails PFWooAAAAHHH
Great, glad youre gonna give them a try, will you put them in your pond/stream Indy?

10 Sep, 2009


Wot me new toenails no way I'm keepin them dry this time round JJ, just so's i can give YOU the pleasure of hangin me up by them!!! ;~)))

10 Sep, 2009



11 Sep, 2009


Corrrrr... Now you're talking! But you still don't get to eat my Elephant's Ears OK? ;-)))

11 Sep, 2009


Is that what Black Magic is Elephants ears.........

13 Sep, 2009


If I don't eat em will you stil hang me up by my toenails,if not then I'll have ta eat em!

14 Sep, 2009


Either way then you're a doomed man Indy. ;-)))
Dottydaisy, the plants are Aroids. The latin is colocasia esculenta, these are a hybrid called 'Black Magic'. Hope that make sense!

14 Sep, 2009


Yes thanks have just found one on ebay...........

15 Sep, 2009


Fantastic! Good luck with them 8-)

15 Sep, 2009

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