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Liriope Variegata

Liriope Variegata (Liriope muscari (Lilyturf) Variegata)

Its first year in new grass border.

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Pretty blue.

11 Sep, 2009


looks lovely,Dotty

12 Sep, 2009


Gee and Suey thanks, hoping it will grow taller!!

13 Sep, 2009


Love it - I saw so many of these in flower in Italy - all variegated ones like yours! :-))

16 Sep, 2009


Oh I expect they looked beautiful in the sunshine of Italy.

16 Sep, 2009


They sure did - they will be seen en masse in a future blog! :-))

Yet another for my wish-list, though. Oh, and all three of mine now have flowers on!!! BUT they are all plain green leaved ones. :-((

16 Sep, 2009


I really must find out what all these dots dashes etc mean?

16 Sep, 2009


Which ones? My sad face and smiley face?

17 Sep, 2009


Oh is that what they are, ahhhhhhhhh I see they are upside down, Gawd how
stupid am I? dont answer that.........I think I will have a go :-)) lol

17 Sep, 2009


Well done!!!! :-))))))) (Big, big smile!!)

17 Sep, 2009


Look like double chins to me lol

23 Sep, 2009


Ooooohhhhhh........sarky one! LOL. I shall scowl at you! Z-(

24 Sep, 2009


Sarky moi?

24 Sep, 2009


I reckon, Dd!! ;-) (wink!)

25 Sep, 2009


Found it :))))) big double chin grin lol.. My garden isnt big enough for all these fantastic plants :( but i still have to have them...Cram em in i say..

26 Oct, 2009


Well done, Dee! Have you tried a shoehorn? I have to use mine all the time! ;-)

27 Oct, 2009

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This photo is of "Liriope Variegata" in Dottydaisy2's garden

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