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a prehistoric cave painting but on your grass and not in a cave?????

15 Sep, 2009


LOL!! Its not painted! The slabs will come out, decided I dont like them!

15 Sep, 2009


Why??? they break up the filling around the outside of them and give you a neater path by which to tread - as in not carrying gravel, bark or whatever around on your shoes/wellies, if there's nowt planted in em!

I think the contrast of the soft grass and hard stone with semi-soft filling looks really nice especially with the 'random' layout of the slabs......

Only my opinion though and I know that being a blokey type person, that don't stand for much in this world of dominating females!!! lol!

15 Sep, 2009


LMAO!!! But it doesnt look like a cobra!
David sent me a pm forbidding me to crazy-pave it! I'd LOVE to mosaic it tho!

15 Sep, 2009


I think David was completely correct and within his rights to do that....Crazy Paved?

Whatever next? Crazy Golf course.........!!

15 Sep, 2009


No, I said I wanted a fire-pit & Junglejen suggested I put it in the cobra's head! I'm considering that, but a bit tricky in a path!!LOL!

15 Sep, 2009


Another thought Marie if you don't like slabs square like that put them diamond ways with gravel round it's a more snaky look
I want to do it here as my slabs are breaking up I'm dreaming on for now!

15 Sep, 2009


LOL! I tried that but the path's too windey!

15 Sep, 2009


Ah shucks back to the drawing board :o))

15 Sep, 2009


You're a 'crafty' person Marie - in the 'can make things' sense! - so a Cobra's head would be easy for you if you used your imagination, I'm sure.

It'd look cool as well.....??

15 Sep, 2009


I've got stuff in my head, just need to source CHEAP materials!!

15 Sep, 2009


If you're wanting to do mosaic, have you tried a local tile firm to see if they have any 'broken' tiles you could have or buy up cheap from them?

Just a thought....

15 Sep, 2009


Brilliant idea Dan! There are loads of tile places in Perth!
Oh, dear, the imagination is running riot now!!!

15 Sep, 2009



Go girl! I'm sure if you use that'womanly thing' you were all discussing a few nights ago, they may even come and do the mosaic for you as well.....LMAO!!!!

Got to be worth a try though for the tiles. Let me know how you get on.

15 Sep, 2009


Oh no, Dan! They cant come & do it! I want it done right! :~)))))
I'll definitely give it a try! I have a little me-time on sunday!

15 Sep, 2009


What "womanly thing"?????????

15 Sep, 2009


hope the cobra turns out ok for you mari, look forward to pics when done :o))

16 Sep, 2009


LMAO! So do I!!!!!!!

16 Sep, 2009


you not in uni today mari? its not saturday lol

16 Sep, 2009


You know what womanly thing lady!!

'OOh, that's how I got my outside tap done and my extra bit of worktop....'

Don't try it girl....LoL!!

16 Sep, 2009


I have a 20 min tutorial at 11.30! Better get ready I suppose!
Dan, LOL! :~)D~~~~
Dont knock it, it works! If I can get them to deliver, I'll be happy! (No transport!)
See you tonight! (working til 8 so it'll be after 9!)

16 Sep, 2009


have a good day mari, x

16 Sep, 2009


if you decide against the mosiac idea for the time being mp, why don't you plant some perfumed ground cover plants in the gravel i.e ayssum, woodland flox, creeping thyme etc. you'll have the aroma aswell then, just a suggestion cos you prob don't have much free time with uni work to contend with. xx

16 Sep, 2009


Where did you learn those names Mrs Oddbillie?

Whenever I use a 'proper' name for one of our plants you look at me daft....LoL!!

16 Sep, 2009


Research dear boy, research!! Love ya xx

16 Sep, 2009


Thank you DEAR.....

Good idea though and the scents might help Marie with her smelly wellis outside the back door...LoL!!

16 Sep, 2009


That IS a good idea Ali! I thought maybe lawn chamomile 'Trenegue' (I wanted to replace the lawn with it actually!) Woodland phlox sounds good too!
Oi! No domestics please!! Lol!
As for you, Dan, I'll smelly wellie you in a minute!!

16 Sep, 2009


You tel him mp, such a cheeky boy :o) xx

17 Sep, 2009


LOL! He's only being brave cos theres a fair distance between us!!

17 Sep, 2009

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