Just For You DAN!!!!
By Madperth

15 Sep, 2009
Comments on this photo
You said (on the sunset pics) that you couldnt wait for the totally dark one! LOL!
19 Sep, 2009
Yeh, I thought that but it's not totally dark....there are lights on it in the background.
Don't mean to be picky but.....LoL!!
Nice photie tho...
19 Sep, 2009
I know, I know! But the b****S wont let me shoot them out!
20 Sep, 2009
20 Sep, 2009
20 Sep, 2009
Your being picky Oddbillie :o)))
1 Oct, 2009
1 Oct, 2009
How would he be able to tell if it was the sky with out a bit of light, it could of been a blank photo.
1 Oct, 2009
I agree! BUt he DID ask for a completely black one!
1 Oct, 2009
I did like the pic, as i said, in fairness!!
1 Oct, 2009
Next time photo the road thats black and he won't know the difference he he lol Oddbillie its a joke.
1 Oct, 2009
I was defending you!! LOL!
1 Oct, 2009
I know it's a joke, I was kidding meself!!:0)
How are you Marie? I'm cream-crackered after a long wek and looking forward to a nice day off tomorrow before another long run!
Still want a blacked out one and Morgana is right, I wouldn't know if you took one of the road other than if you take it,it will probably have white lines up the middle of it......LoL!!!
1 Oct, 2009
Not if she leans over like in the bardge and zooms lol at least she won't fall out, yes Marie I know what your going to say, no but you could get run over, thats why I said zoom he he
1 Oct, 2009
LOL! Pair of nutters!
I'm cream crackered too Dan! I'm listening to a REALLY BORING debate (homework) & losing the will to live!!
Ive been at uni and I worked yesterday & today, and I've got BOTH tomorrow!! Off saturday, & VISOR Group AGM on Sunday!
I just hope I dont have to go into work on Sunday after the meeting! My pal is coming for a girly night in on Saturday, so I'll definitely be hungover!
I'll see what I can do on the piccy front!LOL!
There are too many lights around here, ut I suppose its to make people feel safe!
1 Oct, 2009
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Sorry Marie, I'm being thick here! I've said something and this is your reply??
Good pic whatever it means.......
19 Sep, 2009