Look who came to dinner!
By Madperth

26 Sep, 2009
Iggle Piggle brought a friend to dinner tonight!
Comments on this photo
Fantastic, isn't it? Up til now it's always just been the big male!
26 Sep, 2009
babies next yeah , you could end up with a family of them :-)
26 Sep, 2009
Hopefully! I'm going to build a wee 'kennel' type thing for them for winter!
26 Sep, 2009
fantastic Marie~
you will need somewhere warm and dry~Jacque has a blog about her hedghogs ~worth a look!
26 Sep, 2009
I looked at it! I've sorted out the materials, just to get cutting, screwing & lining!! Oh yes, & collect leaves & straw for a bed!
26 Sep, 2009
I have a hedgehog which comes into our garden regularly. Could you please tell me what kind of food you give yours? I found him sleeping very close to the flower border on top a cushiony plant in broad day light. Is that normal? Thanks!
26 Sep, 2009
Wow! I've never seen them during the day!!
Lucky you!
Maybe he trusts you enough, but they usually come out at night!
I give mine cat food, chicken & cat biscuits! They like meat, & if I dont put any out, they'll eat bread & slugs!
26 Sep, 2009
Great to see MP.
Don't feed them to much or they won't have room left for slugs!!
Michaella.. they generally like tinned pet food or the dry dog feed and water but avoid putting out much bread or milk as this can cause diarrhoea.
I hope to attract some to the garden as with the long grass etc around we get an awful amount of slugs & snails. We have loads of toads which helps alot but a bit more help is always useful!! lol
26 Sep, 2009
LOL GF! I didnt know about the bread! They just ate what the birds left! They were here really early tonight, I had to take the food out to them! Its usually after midnight before he arrives, but then he was obviously on a date tonight! I'll try to make sure theres no bread out at night in future!
26 Sep, 2009
I love hedgehogs and when they have their tiny babies, well, its just amazing.
26 Sep, 2009
Here's hoping! :~))))
26 Sep, 2009
My fingers are crossed for you too Madp. I must go a walk around my garden one dark evening. :-) I know they're around by their tiny deposits they leave behind.
26 Sep, 2009
I don't think the occassional wee bit of bread will cause a problem.
They also like bacon rind too, perhaps its like a salty worm to them...something I wont be handing out though being a veggie. lol
Get the wee house sorted out asap as we are now near the end of their breeding season.
26 Sep, 2009
How lovely to see them....We never get any around here....
26 Sep, 2009
They like smoked sausage too! I put some out for Smudge one night (she was making a mess with it in the kitchen) & Iggle Piggle came & took it off her!!! He's her best friend!!
26 Sep, 2009
I'm surprised Maureen as you get the fox, squirrels and heron - maybe you'll get lucky soon.
26 Sep, 2009
I dont get any of those!! :~(
26 Sep, 2009
Shame Madperth, but you do get the beautiful hedgehogs. :-)
26 Sep, 2009
True! I'm so excited that there's a pair now!
26 Sep, 2009
Great Marie lucky you with two of them.
26 Sep, 2009
Hopefully there'll be more come spring!!
26 Sep, 2009
If ever there was a pic to discourage use of slug pellets this is it .. lovely and such a thrill to see a pair .
27 Sep, 2009
I agree BB! I NEVER use them anyway! Annoying as they are, I wont kill anything other than wasps (a nest under my doorstep, & I'm VERY allergic) & ants when they invade the house(Perth is a giant anthill!)!
It was thrilling, I had just noticed Iggle Piggle & got the camera, so I was stunned to realise there were 2! Hence the second pic(I dont usually do that, it annoys him!!)
27 Sep, 2009
I hate slug pellets too, alternatively I use gravel around plants and in some cases hair does the trick.
27 Sep, 2009
LOL! I've given up, I'll let the hoggies deal with them!
27 Sep, 2009
Thank you all for the food ideas. I shall put some out. When I found the hedgehog sleeping near the border, I could not make him out, he looked like a ball and his paws were facing the sky, I could not find it's head. As I got closer it lifted it's spikes. I went away to leave him in peace, My neighbour started cutting her grass, the hedgehog went away. But it was so nice to see him there.
28 Sep, 2009
theyre lovely,my mum use to have a family of them at her old house.
28 Sep, 2009
Wierd Michaella! Was he sunbathing? Lol!
I think theyre mega-cute!
28 Sep, 2009
Oh Marie they are so cute...I am jealous!!
I have plenty slugs and snails I could bring over if they are peckish!!
No slug pellets for me either...I use crushed eggshells to protect my hosta's.
29 Sep, 2009
No ta to the slugs, Mar! How are you??
29 Sep, 2009
Awe how lovely your soooooo lucky.
1 Oct, 2009
I know! Better put their food out, its cold tonight!
1 Oct, 2009
Yes its cold here too, no don't forget them they deserve a meal poor little mites.
1 Oct, 2009
1 Oct, 2009
Good on you :o)
1 Oct, 2009
Lucky old you Marie!!
Would love a little hedgey out back but can't see it somehow!!
Nice pic tho!
2 Oct, 2009
Dont see why not! You dont have a rhino to chase them away, tho I dunno if they get on with meerkats!
Less of the OLD please!! LOL!
2 Oct, 2009
LMAO!! Ya fruitcake woman!!
We have got a little gap at the bottom of the garden under the fence but it leads to pavement and road. It would be the only way in for them so outa luck methinks.
Just wiping away a wee tear that fell....you mentioned Neil and I was sort of over it but now it feels as raw as yeasterday!!
2 Oct, 2009
I'm sorry! I didnt mean to upset you. :~{{{{{{
2 Oct, 2009
LoL!! You're forgiven. It doesn't take much to set me off!!!!
2 Oct, 2009
Awwww! Ya big softy!
I'm off to bed, cant keep my eyes open! Night!
2 Oct, 2009
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26 Oct, 2009
awwwwwww how lucky are you to have these in your garden
26 Sep, 2009