Sunset a bit later!
By Madperth

15 Sep, 2009
Comments on this photo
Amazing colours, eh?? Dont often get them as good as that & the leylandii that are planted there will block the whole thing ina year or 2!
15 Sep, 2009
Gad but I hate lleyllandidies! rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
nice pic M.
16 Sep, 2009
I hate them too, but I'm told they dont do well if fed diesel!
16 Sep, 2009
Someone said inject them with roundup!
16 Sep, 2009
Cant get my hand thru the fence & there's dozens of them!
16 Sep, 2009
Wow, what a thick red! Amazing.
16 Sep, 2009
Stunning Sky Pic MadP :)
16 Sep, 2009
Tape a syringe to a stick and use another stick to press the plunger, less noticeable than deisel
16 Sep, 2009
With the leylandii, if you cut them to a small stump and cut a fairly deep lattice effect or drill holes into the stump then use diesel on and around them, it will stop them growing but you will be unable to grow anything on that area for about 10 years or so.
Creosote and it's 2 years or so before replanting.....according to the guy who tends the plants etc at the centre where I work!
So there you have it. If they aren't yours, then doesn't matter which really!!
We've got them at side of garden but they were there when we moved in last year. We have had them chopped but they form a barrier for privacy as their is a road coming down towar the garden!
I'm with you Indy, hate the things but they do attract some wildlife and the coal tits especially like them...
16 Sep, 2009
Hmmm! Thanks Dan, but I think someone would notice!! I'm going to check & see if I can get anything done about them legally!
16 Sep, 2009
Do a Sanbaz & go out late at night all in black with a balaclava, gloves and do it then........and don't forget to face the balaclava the right way!!! lol!
16 Sep, 2009
With a drill??? LOL!
16 Sep, 2009
Don't register as a complaint if owt appens to em accidental like then,you will be centre stage!, you can't complain till they top 6ft anyway (that won't take long!)
16 Sep, 2009
Great photo.
16 Sep, 2009
Tried sodium chlorate spray ?
16 Sep, 2009
Great sunset photo, Mad!
Poor Leylandii!!!!!!!
16 Sep, 2009
Por leydownanddies, second most uesless importation after sickofmores and as bad a weed as jap knot and him balsam
16 Sep, 2009
Havent tried anything yet, Milky!
Thanks B! Poor leylandii???? Poor me, no more sunset!!
Indy, I LOVE Himalayan Balsam, and am deliberately cultivating it! The worst weeds here are mares tail & rosebay willowherb!
Thanks Carol! Nearly missed you there!
16 Sep, 2009
Yeah, okay, okay, I don't like them, either, I was just trying to be nice! Japanese knot there's an evil one! I've got it on the riverbank and try killing it every's weakening, but I have to keep showing it who's boss.
I think Himalayan Balsam's pretty too, Mad, but it's a thug nevertheless!
Rosebay Willowherb...there's another pain in the trowel. Looks lovely here, though, in autumn when it turns the most beautiful golden-red. But I still hate it!
18 Sep, 2009
Some thugs are worth having tho!!
The rosebay willowherb looks amazing in the wild, but I'm fed up pulling it out! Same with the mare's tail, looks great in flower arrangements & doesnt 'shed' like fern, but its everywhere!
18 Sep, 2009
As far as rosebay, a native here, I have devoted a bed. When the seed sets I just break them over and water intot he ground so the seed stays mostly there. The sprouts are a great edible, like asparagus, so just harvet through spring and let a few grow and seed for next year. Can't leave them standing or they'll take over unless you remove the whole head when only the top is flowering.
20 Sep, 2009
Thanks greenthumb!
I never knew they were edible!! And I LOVE asparagus, so I'll give it a go! Mind you, there are so many here, I dont need to have them in the garden!! I can just wander towards the river & harvest them!
20 Sep, 2009
The fresh shoots that are just about opening leaves are the ones. Pretty tasty I think. :-)
20 Sep, 2009
I'll definitely try them out! Garden is too tiny to devote a bed to them , but I'm sure there'll be plenty come spring anyway!
20 Sep, 2009
nature provides....
22 Sep, 2009
Yes, but its not in my "Food For Free" book!
22 Sep, 2009
It's everywhere...I read a book called hedgrow Harvest (Ithink), see if I can find it. WE LOVE FREE!!!
22 Sep, 2009
I'll take Greenthumbs word for it, have some shoots coming up in the garden anyway! I'll let you know what I think!
22 Sep, 2009
22 Sep, 2009
Georgous sky on fire well caught.
1 Oct, 2009
1 Oct, 2009
Your welcome
1 Oct, 2009
WOW....beautiful sunset :)))
8 Nov, 2009
A lucky shot Louis! I just turned round & grabbed my camera!
8 Nov, 2009
Whatever,'s still a lovely picture :)))
8 Nov, 2009
Thanks! Yours was my 3333rd comment in my inbox!!
8 Nov, 2009
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Like this one even more......
Can't wait for the completely black one....LoL!!!
Great pic!
15 Sep, 2009