The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Suey187


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I like this green canopy,Excellant.

20 Sep, 2009


lovely suey

20 Sep, 2009


this looks lovely- what is the climber? i'm looking for something to grow over an arch and yours looks perfect for the job.

20 Sep, 2009


its a russian vine,Skillen,they call it mile a minute as well,i love them.but they can get out of hand.i gave one to my brother who put it next to his shed,when he opened his shed a few months later it was full of the vine,it looked quite brother was not amused.i wouldnt put it near your house or sheds etc i had one where i use to live and it was desperate to get in the house.they grow about one to two feet a week in the growing season.they shed there leaves in winter but i think they still look beautiful all the bare branches.

20 Sep, 2009


im having that prob with my honeysuckle i planted this year suey, not sure if i should or can move it before its to big

20 Sep, 2009


My honeysuckle still hasnt grown much! This is the plant I was warned about, but I still love it! (the russian vine, I mean!

20 Sep, 2009


it will probably go mad next spring mari,, is it new this year

20 Sep, 2009


Nope! There are 2, but theyre the ones I thought had died out the front! They've still not flowered, but a good bit of new leaf growth!

20 Sep, 2009


well hope it improves mari, give em a good top dress with feed next spring, may help

20 Sep, 2009


Looks like a secret little place, very pretty Sue.

20 Sep, 2009


What a lovely secret corner...I love it Suey :)

20 Sep, 2009


I would'nt have a russian vine for love or money, beleave they can do lots of damage to property.

20 Sep, 2009


thanks everyone.i have a few honeysuckles sanbaz,they do tend to go a bit wild.i cut mine down last year and this year it ended up twice as big and all over the place.ive moved mine in the past and theyve been fine.

20 Sep, 2009


thanx suey, my leaves are beginning to drop is that natural?

20 Sep, 2009


you are right Clarice,i wouldnt have one near any building,including sheds or garages.i always keep mine well pruned,any going a stray are cut off straight away.they are nice if you keep on top of them.

20 Sep, 2009


i would say so sanbaz,i have one or two that are semi evergreen they still drop some leaves but not all of them.

20 Sep, 2009


ok i will check the tag see if evergreen or not, cheers

20 Sep, 2009


I think you need to see a doc again if your leaves are dropping!

20 Sep, 2009


lol mari :o)) hows your day gone

20 Sep, 2009


Not bad, a warm morning meant I got that bleeping sofa dismantled & a couple of bits done (washing etc......oooh! Must bring it in!) but it got really cold in the afternoon & I fell asleep! Then I did a bit of studying!

20 Sep, 2009


you did alot mari and yes it did get cold, nice to have a little nap inbetween.yes must not forget to study :o)

20 Sep, 2009


Aye! I need to get into the mindset!

20 Sep, 2009


my son has had alot of work to do this weekend for Alevels to mari,i must say he never grumbles about it though, its hard going at times, when so many things to do at home and garden, oh and on GOY lol

20 Sep, 2009


LOL! Need to "switch channels" soon!

20 Sep, 2009


im off mari,, tired, so good luck with your uni work, sleep well x

20 Sep, 2009


You too, sweetie!
You feeling ok?

20 Sep, 2009


You really do have a welcoming spot there Suey. You're right about the mile a minute, it does need constant attention, you've done well.

21 Sep, 2009


''They call it 'mile a minute'',I call it Smile a minute,ha,ha.

21 Sep, 2009


sorry mari i had gone,, im not to bad but cant wait to get myself sorted, only a couple more weeks :o) then back to running round lol

21 Sep, 2009


There'll be no stopping you sweetie!

21 Sep, 2009



21 Sep, 2009


Lovely Suey, very secluded! :-)

26 Sep, 2009


This looks really restful and very inviting!

31 Oct, 2009


this looks a nice corner sue. ive heard of these vines and ill say your brave lol

7 Mar, 2010


This is just wonderful Suey

10 Jun, 2010


thanks Queenyorkshire.

10 Jun, 2010


Stunning it.

13 Jun, 2010


thank you,Jem you are very kind.

13 Jun, 2010


a beautiful arch..............

25 Jun, 2010


wow i love it what a lovely corner !

26 May, 2011

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