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Adenium Obesum.


By Milky

Adenium Obesum.

Doing well.....Sown from seed this year........

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Its looking great Maureen.
Mine is OK but hasnt grown very much, what am I doing wrong?

21 Sep, 2009


All I have done is cactus feed and loads of sun Dawn.........

21 Sep, 2009


Thanks Maureen, I'll get some cactus feed. We didnt get much sun until this last couple of weeks so maybe its that. Where will you keep yours over winter?

21 Sep, 2009


Usually in the porch as that gets any sun thats going....As long as its frost free and plenty of light it will be ok It does shed its leaves so dont worry about that, just leave it alone like you would a cactus and dont start watering until you see signs of life next year

21 Sep, 2009


Thanks Maureen

21 Sep, 2009


wow thats grown quick maureen

22 Sep, 2009


Thanks Sanbaz...They do seem to have put on more growth than I expected of whats basically a cactus.....

23 Sep, 2009



WOW! Well, done! You're Adenium is growing very fast. That's amazing to me because they are usually pretty slow growing. Before you know it, there will be flowers. My plant first started blooming when it was about this size.
Cross your fingers for next year's heavy bloom. : > )

25 Sep, 2009


That would be nice Andy.........and maybe it would encourage the Plumeria ....Lol......

25 Sep, 2009



Well, Plumeria and Adenium are both in the same family (Apocynaceae)...and their cultural requirements are identical...however, I think Adenium blooms much younger. If your plumeria doesn't bloom next year...I'll mail you some Plumeria branches...they can bloom the same year you plant them. Also, there's usually no problem mailing long as they are leafless.

26 Sep, 2009 Sweetheart....That would be brilliant Thankyou......

26 Sep, 2009



Just let me you saw...I have many Plastic Pink Plumeria cuttings now. LOL.

26 Sep, 2009


I will do Andy and Thankyou.......

27 Sep, 2009


Wow.....yours is much bigger than mine is Maureen. Mine you, they got a bit neglected over the summer. This is looking fantastic.
My Plumeria are dropping their leaves....I hope they are just going dormant and not dying.

10 Oct, 2009


Dont panic Gilli...they are just going dormant....I am getting serious;ly worried about my 1st Frangi its now nearly 4 feet tall and still no flower....I dont know how much taller I can let it get he he he.....The Adeniums are doing well, bet now they are beginning to loose the odd leaf, on;y to be expected at this time of year I suppose...

10 Oct, 2009


Wow....4 feet??? Are they getting enough light? Plumeria apparently need 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight a day to flower.....kind of like roses......If they don't get it they won't flower.

My Adeniums are losing the odd leaf too. They look healthy enough but no where near the height yours is.

11 Oct, 2009


Yes Gilli getting plenty of daylight, maybe Im just not doing something right. Im too scared to really soak it and worried its not getting enough....Mine didnt really grow too much the 1st year but this is now going into its 4th year and has gone mad....The others I started this Spring are only about 10 inches tall

11 Oct, 2009

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