Son of Thalia.
By Toto

22 Sep, 2009
When I potted up the Thalia you so kindly sent me, I accidentally broke off one of the sideshoots. Rather than throw it away I stuck it into the compost at the side of the pot and as luck would have it, it rooted and now I have two Thalias. How good is that?
Comments on this photo
Very good Toto, I like your gnome :-)
22 Sep, 2009
Brilliant Toto......So your breeding them already.......Well done........
22 Sep, 2009
I get the impression that Essex is a very fertile area Milky, ha ha.
22 Sep, 2009
It's the men Dawn.
My gnome lights up when it gets dark.
You know what we Essex men are like Milky.
I hope that blacky survives Sandra.
22 Sep, 2009
What are you saying about Sandra Toto....why shouldnt it survive? he he he Yes Dawn, very fertile down here in Essex......:0)
22 Sep, 2009
thanx toto, iv had a brocken stem on my fuchsia blacky i just bourght maureen so im trying to root it :o)
22 Sep, 2009
Send it to Toto Sandra....apparently he's very fertile ha ha ha ha ha .......
22 Sep, 2009
lol maureen,,,
22 Sep, 2009
Ha ha ha, I've heard what its like in Essex. One track minds ...... gardening, lol.
22 Sep, 2009
thats what the name stands for isnt it,extra surplus sex lol
22 Sep, 2009
Ha ha ha Sandra, we obviously live in the wrong place.
22 Sep, 2009
lol yes think your right dawn heheh :o)
22 Sep, 2009
The Essex folk have gone quiet Sandra ....
22 Sep, 2009
sure have dawn, think everyones gone to bed...
22 Sep, 2009
Probably time for us to go too, sleep tight x
22 Sep, 2009
nite dawn, sleep well, hope its nice tomoz :o) x
22 Sep, 2009
Very nice Toto....well done. Your gnome doesn't seem to think much of it though. He's turned his back !!
23 Sep, 2009
Trying to stir it between Sandra and me eh! Milky?
Thank you Gilli. The gnome has no true appreciation.
23 Sep, 2009
:o)) toto
23 Sep, 2009
Moi Toto.......What can you mean.........?
25 Sep, 2009
Don't come the innocent with me young lady!
26 Sep, 2009
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great toto, ive just done the same with my fuchsia blacky so hope that takes as good,, well done
22 Sep, 2009