The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Mountain Fire Bush


By Mikec

Mountain Fire Bush

Now in flower and the new growth leaves on this bush will come out bright red and then slowly turn to green.

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Love this showy shrub.!

10 Apr, 2008


That's a new one for me, Mike. Very interesting. Is this a North American plant? leaves and growth look like rhodos is it related do you think?

11 Apr, 2008


This looks great ! Mine is a bit smaller. How much sun are these bushes supposed to get?

11 Apr, 2008


These bushes originated from the Far East. Pieris Japonica, Mountain Fire. Sometimes they are called Lily of the valley bushes because of the flowers. They appreciate a little shade. Mine is under a Flowering Crab tree. I'm going to repost a photo that shows the bright red new growth.

11 Apr, 2008


Oh my, I am embarrassed... Majeeka has a pic of this posted...think it was the name Mountain Fire that threw me... never mind!

11 Apr, 2008

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