Flowery thing collage.
By Ian_digs_v2

1 Oct, 2009
Some of my favourite photo's of the year.
Comments on this photo
great collage Ian,you should get it printed and have it on your wall.
1 Oct, 2009
Pretty pics :o)
1 Oct, 2009
Thanks all, thats a good idea Suey I need some more ink for the printer but as soon as I get it then this and a few more that are to big for GoY will be adorning the walls of Chez' Digs. Lol
1 Oct, 2009
This is Fab Ian :)
1 Oct, 2009
Thank you Jac. I took a leaf out of your book and investigated Piccasa.
1 Oct, 2009
:) Glad u found how 2 use it im sorry i didnt get back2 u sooner to help :( X
1 Oct, 2009
Clever! I shall mention this to the techie person I'm married to! :-))
1 Oct, 2009
No problem Jac, I like this now and it is easy once you sit down and give it a go.
Good morning Spritz, You could do this, the program does all the difficult stuff for you. If I can do it anyone can. :~))
1 Oct, 2009
You...must...be...joking...Ian!!! It took me about a month to work out how to crop a photo with Adobe Photoshop! That's the extent of my techie-ness.
1 Oct, 2009
LMSO Spritz. :~))
Mind you I 'can't' do that, because I have never tried! ! !
1 Oct, 2009
looks great, im going to have a go at this sometime :o) well done ian
1 Oct, 2009
Looks smashing Ian........
1 Oct, 2009
Thanks GoY's I can't take any credit for it, although you can keep piling it on if you like ! I'm sure I'll get used to it in time :~))))))))))
1 Oct, 2009
How artistic you are Ian, it looks lovely. Maybe I'll give it a go........
1 Oct, 2009
Go for it Lily, its really easy you know! ;~))
1 Oct, 2009
Mmmmm... I've heard that many times before where computers are concerned. Still, I can always try, you never know!! :o)
1 Oct, 2009
ive just done one lily, lol took ages to figure out how to save it, but ive posted it
1 Oct, 2009
Oooooooo I'll go have a look now. .............................
1 Oct, 2009
Right ............... Hold on while ............. I get me ........... Phewwww Breath back. Thats better. Thats really stunning San. Really good. I'm off to try another one now. ;~))
1 Oct, 2009
lol ian, its so additictive isnt it :o)
1 Oct, 2009
Interior design classics at the touch of a button/click of a mouse. Lol
1 Oct, 2009
lol yes, so easy really, would have had to select your pics then take another pic of collage to do this a fews years ago ian, modern times :o)
1 Oct, 2009
I've got Picassa as well Ian and am still in the process of experimenting with it before I put anything on here !! LOL It's great fun isn't it ? :-)))
1 Oct, 2009
go for it sue :o) i just went on and did one and its not to hard, took a while but think we could get the hang of it after a few goes :o)
1 Oct, 2009
I shall have to get in touch with my artistic side ....... and more to the point my techno side, which I think will be a lot harder !!! Lol :-))
1 Oct, 2009
lol sue,, good luck :o)
1 Oct, 2009
I've just been doing family ones, our kids etc. not for GoY but I have done some that are suiable but they are to big? I think they must be more than 3M whatever that means? ? ? ? ?
1 Oct, 2009
mabe ian, try smaller size, wont always upload on here if pic to big,megabits i think
1 Oct, 2009
There's a bit on there Ian where you can downsize your pics before you export them to your file. Don't know if it's the same for the collages ??
1 Oct, 2009
What ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
1 Oct, 2009
LOL !!! You have to export the pic's from Picassa to your computer's picture file.... yes ?
1 Oct, 2009
no i dont sue, picassa folder is in my pics on computer, so when i download from here just go to my pics as usual then double click picassa folder simples lol
1 Oct, 2009
Oh, in that case Ian .... forget everything I just said !!! lol :-)))
1 Oct, 2009
lol sue, im not saying your not right sue, its just easier if already in your pics folder, look at your pic and see if picassa is there :o)
1 Oct, 2009
What ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
1 Oct, 2009
Even more What ??????????? from me too!
You're all putting me off even getting started! :o(((
Brilliant pics Sandra. :o))
2 Oct, 2009
Morning Lily, I don't want to put you off before you got started but my name isn't Sandra, although to be honest it nearly was. That was my mums first choice for if I had been a girl. Lol
2 Oct, 2009
Ooops sorry! Brilliant pics IAN. Just thought that maybe being cooped up with all those women might have had some strange effect on you! lol
Well I've spent enough time on here this sunny but chilly morning. Enjoy your day now that you're all back to normal (whatever that is in Digsland!)
2 Oct, 2009
Lol, I'm doing what I do best this morning, absolutely nothing! ! ! :~)))))))))
2 Oct, 2009
All this techie-talk is really putting me off Picassa - HELP!! Aaaarrgghhh!! I don't get it - I think I'll go back to bed...and hibernate...it's cold! Anyone else feeling ccccold?
2 Oct, 2009
Me too Barbara and yes, VERY chilly but not succumbed to putting the heating on ......yet...... :o((
2 Oct, 2009
I've put a t shirt on and there is a sky full of miserable looking clouds but apart from that there is no thought of the heating going on. Mind you if you asked Carol she would have the heating on full and a quilt wrapped around her so ......................?
2 Oct, 2009
Carol sounds like me Ian. I have the chair by the radiator, fleece on and a rug over my knees (not to mention the cat) while hubby sits away from the heat with either bare chest or short sleeve shirt! I try not to put it on till I REALLY need it though. Carol's bound to feel the cold if she can't be very active.
2 Oct, 2009
JUST like me, Lily! He has short-sleeved shirts almost all the year round, I have at least two fleeces and the fan heater or - soon - the log burner!
Of course Carol should be comfortable! There's nothing more miserable than feeling cold. :-(
2 Oct, 2009
Here's me talking like I know about Picassa !!! LOL I've had a play around with it and found that I can't download pic's onto Goy from there.....I've got to put them in my pic's folder first !! Indy ... Heeeeeeelp !! LOL
I must admit that the first time I put my heating on was 31 August It was freezing on the evening ..... and I don't usually feel the cold !! So ... if it's cold put it on .... what do men know ???? LOL :-)))
2 Oct, 2009
Our heating is set at 20 C. and came on for the first time today but it has gone off again now. I have to admit to closing a few windows this evening and Carol isn't complaining either ...... Yet.
2 Oct, 2009
I'm sure Carol never complains about ANYTHING Ian, we women are like that..........lol
2 Oct, 2009
Hmmmmmmmm, Well .............. I .................... Hmmmmmmm, No comment. Lol
2 Oct, 2009
You're very wise Ian. It's sometimes hard to tell, but I think you GoYmen may be outnumbered. lol :o))
2 Oct, 2009
I think (therefor I am) your right! Lily, at about 50 million to 1
2 Oct, 2009
Love your flowery collage :))
2 Oct, 2009
I love your avatar Di. ;~))
2 Oct, 2009
lovely collage Ian........
3 Oct, 2009
Thanks Holly, I've done a few now, it's very addictive. :~))
3 Oct, 2009
it is isnt it..... i tend to do these sort of things in the winter when i cant get outside anymore.....
3 Oct, 2009
Thats a good idea, I must remember to take lots more photo's before then! ! !
3 Oct, 2009
Photoscape is another one Ian....you can do all sorts of collages different shapes etc., its free, i think your'e hooked!!! they are good tho aren't they?
4 Oct, 2009
Oooooo I'm going to have to look that one up as well. Thanks SK I am totally hooked. Carol bought me a photo printer last year so I can do high quality printing, guess what people are getting for chri ..... Oops nearly said that word again, ..........ahem guess what gifts I am sending people this year?
4 Oct, 2009
LOL!!! i'll never guess! please don't mention the C word LOL
5 Oct, 2009
What about the x word? ;~))
6 Oct, 2009
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Lovely collage - great job!
1 Oct, 2009