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Dahlia walk, Biddulph grange

Dahlia walk, Biddulph grange

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So tidy!

1 Oct, 2009


this is lovely. i have heard of this place but where is it? [too lazy to google tonight :o)]

9 Oct, 2009


its in Stoke on trent, Staffordshire.
Well worth a day out.

9 Oct, 2009


it wouhave to be part of a holiday its a bit far from yorkshire. but yes it looks lovely. thanks steve

10 Oct, 2009


i was in Pickering the other day, you anywhere near there?

10 Oct, 2009


yes if you count an hours drive as close. im near Beverley. you'd have been closer to bonkers bon steve.
did you go to the 2 garden centres just outside? Rogers and Moors/Moorlands centre. they are literally side by side. i hadnt realised until i'd driven into one by mistake. still its an ill wind as i bought different plants from each one. both gc happy, me too, hubby not so imperssed though when we got home to find one pot had spilt its recent top dressing all over the boot of the recently valeted car. oops!.

11 Oct, 2009


we passed right by you then, travelled along the A 614 we stayed at Sewerby for a couple of days and then visited pickering to go on the steam train. I will be putting some photos on shortly.
Unfortunately i didn't visit any G.C. this time out, kind of gets to be a bus mans holiday.8)

11 Oct, 2009


yes i know what you mean. sewerby is a lovely area despite its name. did you get to burton agnes? or scampston's walled garden. i'll keep an eye out for your blog.

11 Oct, 2009


yes, we did burton agnes and have pictures to show when i get them ready, i also have a few of Flamborough head and the train we went on, i believe it was the harry potter one.

11 Oct, 2009


yes its the north yorks moors railway. features in 'heartbeat'. my brother works in the engine sheds at grosmont.

was at flamborough on the 29th september with work.

12 Oct, 2009

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