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Starting all over again...............


By Milky

Starting all over again...............

Comments on this photo


That's really lovely and so vibrant. Like the leaves as well.

But what is it Milky? Not seen it before, as I'm aware.....

2 Oct, 2009


How wonderful the foliage is as beautiful as the flower georgous well done, now tell me what is its name. I want one :o))))

2 Oct, 2009


Looks like a canna lily - gorgeous red Milky!

3 Oct, 2009


Looks like a Canna to me as well. I expect Milky will confirm.

3 Oct, 2009


~my cannas have not flowered this year~they were very late as they got very badly frosted~is it worth persevering with them~wonder if a repot and covering with straw will help?thinking of putting them under cover!.~this one' lovely!

3 Oct, 2009


Nice colour on the foilage to, very nice Milky

3 Oct, 2009


Arlene, i put mine in the greenhouse in winter, to keep it frost free.

3 Oct, 2009


beautifull maureen, such a lovely colour :o)

3 Oct, 2009


What a gorgeous red, like the varigated leaves too!

3 Oct, 2009


Yes everyone They are Canna's They have already flowered once and I thought they had finished, so I just moved the pots back inside the greenhouse under the staging and that little bit of extra warmth has set them all going again....Lovely........Lucky me........

3 Oct, 2009


Beautiful red and I just love the foliage, do you know what the variety is Milky?

3 Oct, 2009


Mines a new one and hasn't flowered this year , I hope when it does it's as nice as yours Milky ..............

3 Oct, 2009


Sorry Dotty....cant remember which variety it is....Thanks Amy..

3 Oct, 2009


Beautiful colour ...

3 Oct, 2009


Thanks Janette

3 Oct, 2009


I never knew that cannas could give you a second show like that - isn't it fantastic! I must try that deliberately and see what happens next year!!!

5 Oct, 2009


Nor did I Alzheimer......

5 Oct, 2009


My yellow one's are flowering again and there outside still but the others arn't

9 Oct, 2009


Its been an amazing year for them hasnt it......

10 Oct, 2009


I'll just join the chorus! My canna's just got started in time for frost~~and my dahlias were almost a "no show" too! Glad to know I'm not the only gardener who had some set backs with them, Arlene. Just repotted my Sarcocco, Milky!... will take a pic... poor baby... I think it will make it through another winter, though.

25 Oct, 2009


Shall look out for it Lori......

26 Oct, 2009

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