The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Poppy thug!

Poppy thug!

A closer look at the rampaging (but beautiful) poppy whose roots keep spreading along the border. Can anyone name it for me please?

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It's lovely - great colour and it works well with that naughty rose of yours.

4 Oct, 2009


Could it be Papaver lateritium 'Fireball'?

4 Oct, 2009


I love all the colour and character of this garden :o)

5 Oct, 2009


absolutely lovely.

31 Oct, 2009


i think it must be poppylust gottohaveone!?
i find them irresistable

8 Jan, 2011


Hi Stickitoffee.....wanna bit? Have loads! The roots gallivant about and pop up all along the border.......

8 Jan, 2011


yes please. can they gallivant all the way to the midlands?

8 Jan, 2011


Sure they can! I'll let you have a piece when they get going in the spring!

8 Jan, 2011


oh thank you ~ thats very kind.

9 Jan, 2011


Hi PF = Love those poppies - they are abolutely stunning ?

1 Apr, 2011


Hi PF - I was wondering if there is any chance of you sending me a piece of your poppies if you still have them please ? I will pay all post and packing etc of course. Many thanks. Marie

1 Apr, 2011


Of course Marie, as per private message.

5 Apr, 2011


Marvellous poppies what a lovely colour. they can spread in my border any time they like!!!

15 May, 2012


Want some, Dorjac? They are just coming into bloom again, everyone! Did those slips grow Mariek? If not I'll send you some with better roots, and do you still want some, stickitoffee? If anyone wants some roots later just shout as I am going to dig a lot out!

15 May, 2012


very beautiful poppies...

31 Oct, 2013

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