nature collage
By Sanbaz

3 Oct, 2009
nature in my garden
Comments on this photo
lol, nah i wouldnt know how to get them off here for a start off ian heehh, do enjoy it though :o)
3 Oct, 2009
They're brill. :~))
3 Oct, 2009
thanx ian :o)))
3 Oct, 2009
Well done Sandra , I can do this but I'm not at all sure if I'm doing it properly , I get there in the end .. LOL ...
3 Oct, 2009
lol amy im sure you will get there, cant wait to see :o) thanx
3 Oct, 2009
Love it Sandra like the combination you have chosen too
3 Oct, 2009
cheers morgana, i may have some printed :o)
3 Oct, 2009
Good for you what web site do you use for this, I would like to do some of my grand children, you could make calanders out of them and sell for charity.
3 Oct, 2009
pacasa 3, jacque told me about it, and ian uses it to now, think its going down well with members :o)
3 Oct, 2009
You have started an epedemic lol with them all he he.
3 Oct, 2009
Very pretty collage Sandra ,clever you....must have a try at this. myself..
3 Oct, 2009
thankyou janette :o)
3 Oct, 2009
Hi Morgana, I've just done a christmas card (trial) for Holly's grandma and it turned out fantastic.
3 Oct, 2009
what did you print it on ian, do you have special paper
3 Oct, 2009
I haven't printed it yet San,( I'm out of ink) but I buy photograph quality paper from Asda (really cheap)
3 Oct, 2009
how did you do the xmas card trial, do you mean just the picture trial ian
3 Oct, 2009
Don't forget to show us we all want a nose he he
3 Oct, 2009
Oh I see (derrrrrrr) I did a black and white on ordinary paper. Lol
3 Oct, 2009
Love it Sandra..........
3 Oct, 2009
Sandra I love this one, although the blurred image in the centre draws you in , it then directs to all the outside images , love it!
3 Oct, 2009
will have to show us the finished iten ian :o)
thanx maureen and carole glad you like it, i like the faded images to :o)
3 Oct, 2009
I've PM'ed you San. :~))
3 Oct, 2009
ok ian :o)
3 Oct, 2009
Fantastic Sandra well done
4 Oct, 2009
hi deida thankyou, :o)
4 Oct, 2009
Brill well done Sandra. :o))
4 Oct, 2009
thankyou carol, :o))
4 Oct, 2009
Very Clever San i love it :)
5 Oct, 2009
thanx jacque, i like this one to :o))
5 Oct, 2009
This is wonderful Sandra, you are very clever :-))
8 Oct, 2009
thankyou dawn :o) i do try lol
8 Oct, 2009
hi san, love this collage it would make a really nice mouse mat for p.c. just save it to "my pictures" and print it from there.......should be easy :o)
10 Oct, 2009
thanx Ali, would look good as mouse mat good thinking :o)
10 Oct, 2009
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This is just Fantastic San, have you thought about selling them?
3 Oct, 2009