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Red Chair

Red Chair

I painted this chair to match the trim on my house..My late Husband built it. The plant next to it is a Cotoneaster not sure what the plant is in the planter is a volunteer.

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For some reason I have tender feelings for this chair. Sisty

3 Oct, 2009


Me too..I painted it and the two little garden stools he built out of cedar for me..they were special because he put hand holes in the middle of each of them so I could easily carry them around...he came out of his shop holding one in each hand in the air to give to me..better than wrapping I'd say... ;) he built them for me for my first birthday with him...all three are this most likely sat in this chair at some was built for a tall long legged love to sit in it. I wrote about sitting in it in my blog called the color yellow too. It is a very special chair.

3 Oct, 2009


Yes, I remember your yellow blog.
They always make this kind of chair for short people. It would take me a week to unfold my long legs enough to get me out of one of those chairs that the seat is 8 inches from the floor. :-) If I had any kind of "builder talent" I would build one and call it my Dave Chair. I should get the "recipe" for this chair then I could kidnap a carpender and force him to build me one. Mr. Sisty turns pale if I even say the word "saw." (Not that he doesn't have other talents....)

4 Oct, 2009


Think the pattern David made for it is around somewhere still..will keep my eyes open...

4 Oct, 2009


It's a lovely chair with lovely memories!

4 Oct, 2009


Thank you needed painted had gotten very weathered over the years and I would like to keep it around a very long time.. :) so decided on the red as I had so much of the paint and it works for dressing up the house for sale right now..looks very sweet sitting on the front porch..proud as can be. :)

4 Oct, 2009


~you will have to keep it safe ! make sure whoever buys the house knows the chair is not for sale!

4 Oct, 2009


I already told the they understood..very
I had my horse friend, name is Steve..come and help me move a very large half whiskey barrel planter over to my neighbors across the street...I planted it for her on the day her daughter passed..I gave it a mother and child theme even though her daughter was in her 50's...they are always your has all sorts of mother of thyme and other thymes in the center is a very nice dark star beauty berry bush...just could not let it go to someone who would not reallly know I gave it to her before anyone ever sees it...she was delighted and has it now in a very precious spot on her little patio. It was a job to move..he brought his truck and a large hand truck...then winched it up with a strap hooked to the back of his truck ..I put the hand truck under it and then he let it down onto the hand truck...we strapped it to the hand truck and between the two of us him pulling and me pushing we got it tip up so we could then roll it over to her house..luckily it was not far..
I can go visit it there too..I have not got to see the berries come on but I think they will this has little tiny flowers and I think I can see little tiny berries beginning! yay! :)

4 Oct, 2009


When I sold Moms house their were two antique but ordinary chairs that I hadn't thought to move. I got an offer and removed the chairs and the woman withdrew her offer said she wanted the chairs... go figure.

4 Oct, 2009


People are weird...that is why I moved the planter..the realtor told me that happens sometimes..but I would not think the chair would do that here..I asked him about that when I put the chair there..told him no way was the chair or any of my lawn furniture included, but maybe I will take if off the front porch..I am moving back into the house by the end of this week..I am going to be using the bedroom that has it's own bathroom and laundry area..will be basically living in that space, locking it up so no one can come in from the rest of the house, so I can rent the rest of the house is very quiet right now for renters and I need my own has been good being at my daughters but need my own space I will put the chair where my own porch area will be ..which will be on the back deck and breeze way..I am looking forward to going back..and the small space too, should be nice and cozy & easy to keep warm. :)

4 Oct, 2009


A really beautful piece of woodwork! :-))

4 Oct, 2009


It's a lovely chair and obviously holds fond memories for you. I like the colour too. Make sure you keep it out of harms way. Why not store it your daughters.

4 Oct, 2009


LOL...I will be using it Toto..back at my house..on my little back porch that will be my personal area when I get back there again. Not to will not get away... :) Thanks for your concern...

5 Oct, 2009


Sounds cozy, I think you will be happy there and you have the added advantage of keeping an eye on things. Do you have a toaster oven and stuff to cook with?

6 Oct, 2009


I have moved into what feels like a little(very little) apartment in the one end of my house here. It has it's own bathroom and laundry and back door to the breezeway where I have my truck parked under cover and inside the gate ..the slider door goes onto the back is enjoying it..never have seen the moon from this was so full I could see it on the water while going to sleep last night it was very nice.
Until I have renters come in I am able to go upstairs to my kitchen up there..but have plans to bring in a small refigerator that a friend has and an extra microwave that I have will be great if I should stay here while renters are here..but I will be planning to go off visiting some where..more often than not..I expect it to be rather slow for the winter...but this will keep costs down ..and I like being here. :)

6 Oct, 2009


Wasn't the moon something the last couple of nights! A gift!
Much as I love visiting my kids, it's always nice to be home. I invision you all curled up like a kitten.

6 Oct, 2009


Oh is so nice to have my own space

6 Oct, 2009


You have a well composed shot here. ;o)

8 Oct, 2009


Thanks..framed it ..thumb and my mind long before I ever took the picture.. :)

8 Oct, 2009


Thanks Avis... :)

22 Oct, 2009


Beautiful and poignant Cat. A lovely chair and a really nice picture too. Yes, I think that is a cotoneaster...I have a couple that look like that...I think the birds bring them.

23 Oct, 2009


LOL..well I purchased it and planted it there..the birds certainly love it's very rarely gets to keep them for any time at all...

23 Oct, 2009


Oh, so THAT's where mine keep coming from! lol

23 Oct, 2009


We had these kind of chairs when I was young....I think they call them Cape Cod chairs. I have seen them over here in the UK but they aren't too easy to spot. I have short legs so they are comfy for me :)

David did a great job on making yours...and all spruced up in the red paint it looks lovely. My dad painted ours a dusty pink (this was a long time ago when people liked those kind of know....turquoise and pink were all the rage in the 50's and 60's).

27 Sep, 2010


David built this one for tall people with long he was that exactly!
My daughter has this chair now and the two little garden benches he built for me as a birhtday gift as well....she was very pleased to get them..

28 Sep, 2010

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