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Harvey at sunset


By Arlene

Harvey at sunset

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Lovely shore line against the sky.

11 Oct, 2009


Unusual and interesting pic :o)

11 Oct, 2009


Love the rays filtering through the sky .. hello Harvey yes you re a handsome chap too ..

11 Oct, 2009


~taken at 6 40 last night~the nights are really drawing in now!sob sob!

11 Oct, 2009


Don't worry Arlene just a little over 4 months the light nights will be back:o))))

11 Oct, 2009


~can't wait Morgana~ depressing when it 's cold and dark in the morning and early evening!
Spent a lot of time January and February watching the birds in the back garden~ got quite a flock already including a nuthatch!

11 Oct, 2009


Talking of light ... in these 'dark' months i always remind myself that at the end of January the mornings start to slowly get lighter and it keeps me going !!!!!

11 Oct, 2009


Its nice to watch the birds they also tell what kind of weather is foretold too. I don't like the dark days either, I think I will buy a sad lamp when I can afford one.

11 Oct, 2009


Morgana, years ago they did them on the NHS, you could 'rent' them.
That is about 25 years ago though so my information's very out of date.

11 Oct, 2009


Thank you Louise, it took me 2 yrs struggling also struggling to get a wheel chair out of them until an mri scan proved I was nt lieing and then the doctor said he told them give me one and sit her in it strap her in and then plug her into the electric. Goodness knows what they would say if I asked for one of them he he perhaps send her in a rocket to the sun may be lol

11 Oct, 2009


What gets me through is thinking of Greenthumb in Alaska when nights draw in for him he doesnt see daylight till next March ..

11 Oct, 2009


~I don't know how he does it~not just the darkness but the extreme low temperatures!~maybe we don't have it so bad on those bright crisp cold mornings,but when the cloud is low and it rains for days and is miserable! Aghh!

11 Oct, 2009


Agree Arlene last year complained about snow then someone from Canada posted a pic showing a train ploughing through it higher than the train itself !

Felt bad whinging but then so many of us in such a small space by comparisson you can slip and slide in Canada and not meet another car for miles ...

12 Oct, 2009

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