Uncarina decaryi - Mouse Trap Tree
By Delonix1

13 Oct, 2009
There's several Mouse Trap Trees at the San Diego Zoo. This is a very tender shrub or tree native to Madagascar which grows from 12 - 25 feet / 3.6 - 7.6 meters tall from what I've read.
Photo taken Oct. 12, 2009.
Comments on this photo
It's lovely, i hope someone knows what it is ! :-)
13 Oct, 2009
Its very pretty.......whatever it is......
13 Oct, 2009
Thanks for all the comments!
I hope to find out what this plant is soon!
13 Oct, 2009
Is it a companion planting of a vine on a tall growing plant? the blossom reminds me of "Black-eyed Susan" and if you look closely you see a twining vine around the stem.
16 Oct, 2009
is it Thunbergia alata...growing on a taller plant? can't see much of the leaves of the larger plant...but would it be a type of euphorbia?
16 Oct, 2009
No it's not a Thunbergia alata. It's a shrub which grows to about 6 feet/ 2 meter from what I can tell and has very large leaves. I sure next time I go to the S. D. Zoo I'll find that name and post it. : > )
17 Oct, 2009
Compare to Abutilon Chittendenii for ID...?
17 Oct, 2009
Thanks for the information! I'll hopefully find out soon!
18 Oct, 2009
I think it maybe Uncarina, a caudiform, poss U.decaryi or U. grandidieri.
18 Oct, 2009
Thanks for the information! I think it's Uncarina decaryi. I just looked through some of my older San Diego Zoo pics...and noticed some larger shrubs with the
caudex..and then googled it. Thanks again!
I think there may be several Uncarina species growing at the San Diego Zoo.
18 Oct, 2009
Success - never heard of this one before, but I love the common name for it. Makes you wonder how poor ole mice become trapped in this beauty.
18 Oct, 2009
Yes, success...thanks to Rbtkew! I have no idea why and how it received the name mouse trap tree....I'm sure there's a story somewhere. : > )
18 Oct, 2009
Sticky leaves, barbed pods...? Glad Rbtkew & you could identify this oddity. Better than poison bait anyday!
18 Oct, 2009
Yes, thanks to Rbtkew!
19 Oct, 2009
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This photo is of species Uncarina decaryi - Mouse Trap Tree.
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Lovely bloom on this.
13 Oct, 2009