The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Carica papaya 'Maradol' - Mexican Maradol Papaya

Carica papaya 'Maradol' - Mexican Maradol Papaya (Carica papaya 'Maradol' - Mexican Maradol Papaya)

My Maradol papaya produced very few papayas due to the
drought this year...even the leaves are very small. Photo
taken Oct. 12, 2009.

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I love the shape......

16 Oct, 2009



Thanks! Papaya plants grow very upright...with the fruit all along
the trunks.

16 Oct, 2009


Have you had a break in the dry weather yet? how are the mangoes doing?

16 Oct, 2009



No break from the dry weather yet. Although in Northern, Central CA and the Los Angeles area received many inches of rain last week from former typhoon Melor. Some places in Northern CA. recieved more than 12 inches of rain. It was much needed rain however, it caused a lot of flooding and wind damage.

I was really hoping we would receive 1/2 inch or more of rain. Well, no rain from this storm anyway. : > (

17 Oct, 2009


Dance for rain!

17 Oct, 2009



Thanks! Yes, we need a good raindance

17 Oct, 2009

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