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How pretty am I?


By Pamazon

How pretty am I?

First time I have managed to get a back view. Sorry Folks, I've just realised that maybe this would have been better in a blog instead of spread out here, just not sure how to use the 'blog' bit properly :o(

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Pretty Zeus :o)
and interesting newspapers you give him to read....Lol.

16 Oct, 2009


Very pretty.

16 Oct, 2009


Hope you like yor new home Zeus!

16 Oct, 2009


I think he is reading the Sun Terra, LOL. I get loads of newspapers given to me from friends as I need so many for the birds. I usually read the old news, try and do any crosswords that Shirley hasn't had a go at and then put them on the birds' floors. He seems to have settled in alright Carole, he has been flying up and down from the perch in there.

16 Oct, 2009


Hope he does settle Pam its good to think that he is happy!

16 Oct, 2009


he is a beauty alright.

17 Oct, 2009


Thanks everyone ;o)

18 Oct, 2009


So glad to see him looking so fit and happy! Well done you!

18 Oct, 2009


Thanks B, I have decided that come Spring when he is fit and well, I shall open the doors to both his and Waif's cages and they can then decided whether they want to go or not. I shall make sort of drawbridges out of their doors by attaching chains, so that if they want to come back they have a perch to land on. Once I open them, I shall disppear because I shan't be able to bear to watch them go, then pray that they make a life, it will be 50/50 especially for Zeus being white. That is the best I can do.

19 Oct, 2009


You've done a fantastic job Pam !! Can't believe it's the same bedraggled little thing that you found in a doorway ! WHAT a handsome fellow !! :-)))

22 Oct, 2009


He really is pretty Sue, he has beautiful markings on his back, wish I could get to photograph him, maybe eventually!

23 Oct, 2009


What's a photo Pam ? If he's happy ... that's all that matters ! xx

23 Oct, 2009


Not sure if he is happy or not Sue, what I do know is given the colour he is and how young and fragile at the moment, he wouldn't get through the winter. Like it or not, he has to lodge here until Spring LOL

23 Oct, 2009


Well he's got a bloody good landlady !! Funnily enough ... saw a white one today very simlar to Zeus ..... and he got the bread from the others ... no probs !! xxx

23 Oct, 2009


Thanks Sue, he just does not like being caged up, I hope he will settle in a while just to over-winter. I had no idea just how hard Pigeons can peck, if I put my hands near to Tommy's 'Dove' he really goes to town on me and will even hang onto the skin between my fingers LOL. Ungrateful bird!!

24 Oct, 2009


Ouch !!!! I got bitten by a cockatiel once . It was flying around on the green outside and managed to catch it, but my God ,... it drew blood !!!
Hope Zeus is well today. It's 9am and a lovely morning isn't it ? (Well, it's really 10am !) Have a nice Sunday bab ! :-) x

25 Oct, 2009


Wotcha kid, it has been a gorgeous day, wish they didn't mess with the clocks, dark just around 5 now isn't it? Not keen on dark nights, I love the summer time, when we get one LOL. Zeus is fine, I think he is going to be a smallish bird, probably a female, but not sure how you tell with Pigeons! I know how Cockies bite, I have 23 of them and have been bitten a few times. Not as bad as a parrot bite though. Enjoy the evening :o) xx

25 Oct, 2009


Hiya Pammy ! How's Zeus doing ? :-))

29 Oct, 2009


Hiya Kiddo, growing up LOL. Instead of squeaking in fear when I get in his house to put his food, he just growls at me and attacks my hands, cheeky Monkey, at least it shows he has lost his fear of me, it is just hands again. How's you, is the sun tan fading at all LOL. Bet you wish you were back in Rhodes!

29 Oct, 2009


Fading bl***din' fast our kiid !!! LOL !! No bab, glad to be home.. A week does me ! Glad to hear the babby is 'growling' opposed to squeaking ! Time tells dunnit ? xx

29 Oct, 2009


I'm like you, used to be gagging to get back after a week to see my birds, that was when I didn't have so many and could go away. Wait till the rain comes our kid, your tan can turn to rust and you will look just as good!!

30 Oct, 2009


You're just too kind Pam !! lol

30 Oct, 2009


Hiya Pam. Thought I'd check in on Zeus and your very goodself to see how yer gooooin' ? :-))

2 Nov, 2009


I'm agooin' alright our kid LOL, I just don't have anything exciting to show anyone, my garden is so small and everything is dying off now. Our little Zeus is doing fine, getting very stroppy when I put my hands in, he makes me laugh when you think of the size he is against me and he comes at my hands, wings flapping and growling LOL. He's eating really well, so come Spring I hope he will have grown a lot more, he is a very dainty little bird. Thanks for asking

3 Nov, 2009


Morning Pam. It's 9.45 now and what little blue there was has been overtaken by a whole load of grey stuff !!! Think we're in for a wet one !! Oh well, the rest of the bulbs'll have to wait for another day !! lol xx

3 Nov, 2009


Yes, it's the same here Sue, it was quite a pleasant morning but now as you say, the clouds are starting to creep in again :o( Save the bulbs for another day LOL........catch you soon, take care, kid xxx

3 Nov, 2009


Glad to see Zeus looking so well.You have done a grand job with him !

3 Nov, 2009


BB ... welcome to Brum our kid !! How do you know he's a he ???? Lol What d'yer think Pammy our kid ?? xx

3 Nov, 2009


Hi Sue...Aye,like pigeons up ere ! Along with our flat caps and whippets ! Lol !

3 Nov, 2009


Arrr our kid ... BUT !!! Got to ask again........ 'cause Pam don't know .. which means I ain't got the faintest ..... how do you tell the difference ? Honest .. no blag Ray ??

3 Nov, 2009


not sure Sue unless you catch them and turn them then ...?

3 Nov, 2009


LOL !!!! Pam .... There you go our kid .... catch them and turn them over !! Easy !!! LOL .....

3 Nov, 2009


Catch him and turn him over..............I don't think so, when they peck hard, those beaks are lethal LOL. Apparently you have to feel between the pelvic bones just above the tail, if they are close together, male, if they have a gap, female, but I am not about to try. I am sure he knows what he is without me interfering with his personal bits!! Given his behaviour now he is getting older, I am sure he is a 'he', where's me bloomin' flat cap!!!!!

4 Nov, 2009


LOL !! ;-)))

4 Nov, 2009


Hiya Pammy. Just wondering, today being the day that it is, how are the birds with all the bangs and fizzes that go on ?

5 Nov, 2009


Hiya Kiddo, Thankfully it hasn't bothered anyone, although it was so wet here there didn't seem to be as many as usual last night, I guess it will be tomorrow night that they are at their worst :o(

6 Nov, 2009


I hope your pets will be okay with this evening's firework noise....
...and those exploding on Saturday....
..and those on Sunday....
...and the reduced price ones let off on random days thereafter.... :o(

6 Nov, 2009


Don't get me on my soapbox Terra LOL. I just wish they weren't allowed to sell them so early, they just go on for days and days don't they? Luckily the bangs and whizzes don't seem to bother Todd at all, they frightened Eartha, my little Dachshund to death :o( Does it bother Conker and Truffle at lot, plus Crocus Terra?

6 Nov, 2009


I've been saying for years that fireworks should not be sold over the counter and should be seen only at organised events.

6 Nov, 2009


Me too, they should only be sold for the 5th November at organised Parks. My garden backs onto a large house which has been bought by Indians and every Dwali and their other festivals the place errupts with fireworks. I remember one time they had a do in Cannon Hill Park and the bangs were so loud it killed a great proportion of the wild fowl who live on the large lake there, the shock killed them. It's now 5.47pm and the bangs are starting.....again! I don't know why we celebrate him, he was a complete rogue, although they say they are burning his effigy!

6 Nov, 2009


Some of the ones that are sold these days sound like a bomb going off don't they Pam. No wonder the poor wild fowl died of shock ! Also a lot are set off around here at weddings ...... but in the daytime ..... !!!???

6 Nov, 2009


I know Sue, some of the bangs are unbelievable, it's bad enough on Bonfire Night, without them going off all year around at some Festival or other.;o(

6 Nov, 2009

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